Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One Flower Wednesday

It's been sometime again since i posted about my hexagons. I've nearly finished sewing them together.
I've got 8 blooms left to sew on the last row & them 10 stepping stones. Not sure if i'm keen on sewing binding around all those hexagon shape & i'm considering appliqueing the top to borders. What do you think? then there is the choice of what colour fabric to choose for the borders.

Happy Stitching,


Sheila said...

Jeanette is is beautiful , one suggestion I have is to sandwich the whole thing and sew around and flip it inside out , that is how the old Grandmothers Flower garden quilt I have was done , worth thinking about.I can send you a picture of it if you like. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

whow Jeanette this is fantastic and boy look at all the work that has gone into this,i like the idea of appliqueing the top to borders,well done girl

Roseanne said...

Wow your quilt look great and all that hard work.

FlourishingPalms said...

It's looking really wonderful. Such fun to watch the progress you've made with these. Since you asked, I'm one who prefers straight borders. I think it's easier to use a straight-edged quilt. So my opinion would be to applique it to a border fabric. What size is this going to finish at?

Leanne said...

Oh how exciting seeing it soo close to being finished.

I have chosen to give straight edges - A few weeks back on my blog I shared how a lady kath showed me how she did hers & I'm following her

There is soo many choices in the finishing aye

Love how yours has turned out.

Love Leanne

Vicki ♥ said...

Wow Jeanette you are flying along with these hexies. They look really lovely :) hugs
Vicki x

Raewyn said...

Hi Jeanette, this is looking beautiful - well done on your progress. I, too, prefer straight edges and am going to try sewing straight borders onto mine - I have seen it done but cant describe it until I have given it a go!!

Karen said...

Jeanette, you have been very busy! So nice!!! I too prefer straight edges and like the applique idea. My border is going to be made of all hexagons, but I hope to somehow straighten the edges with half hexagons or if that doesn't work, design a template to square things off. Fingers crossed!

c. Joy said...

Beautiful. I've only done this for the front of a vest, doing a quilt top is amazing and a lot more work. Thanks for sharing.

Melody said...

Just beautiful. I love Sheila's idea for finishing it.

Cat said...

Just simply stunning!
I made my first patchwork/grandmothers garden at the young age of 16 - I still have it here (in Narnia/my work room) still deciding what I will do with it .. .. .. so looking forward to seeing how you finish yours

annemieke said...

Very nice your flowers and the colours are lovely.

Gr Annemieke.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Just gorgeous Jeanette. I have been reading all the hints because that's what's stopped me completing mine..the how to?

Valspierssews said...

Wow! Your quilt is looking great. That's a lot of Wednesdays.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Jeanette that looks fantastic you must be so very pleased...

Pami said...

ooooooh pretty!!!!!! it jeanette...since its for my bed do i get to choose the border fab?..hehe just kidding..well done!!!..pami xox

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Gorgeous! You could use half hexies around the outer edge to give yourself a straight edge to add borders.

Teresa F. said...

Oh My God! Your garden is huge and also fabulous. I only have three rows sewed yet. Congratulations on your excellent work.

Maria said...

Your garden looks beuatiful. as I am no where near putting my flowers togther in a quilt I have no idea how to do borders etc. Sorry.

Linda said...

Just beautiful!!!!

Birdie said...

It's beautiful, so many different fabrics.

Hennie said...

I love your garden, beautyful colorful flowers ! ! !
Gr. Hennie.

Unknown said...

wow your Quilt is really growing looks Beautiful..
I'm with you I would applique to a background..OR..cut the edges off to give you straight seams for a border...

Nata said...

Wow, irre ganz schön groß!
Die Farbwahl finde ich auch immer am schwierigsten.

Liebe Grüße!

Paula said...

Wow - your Flower Garden is really beautiful, how large is your top? You did a great job on that one, I must say.
Take care

Terry said...

Wow! Look at all those hexagons! Your quilt is going to be beautiful! :0)

GardenOfDaisies said...

WOW!! Lovely quilt!!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...