Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Redwork Christmas.......

 ...... is no longer a WIP/UFO. It's a flimsy.

After i emailed the designer, Fig 'n' Berry, explaining my dilemma i received an email later that day with the missing pattern attached. I was so grateful that Lisa had kindly re-sent me the pattern. 

Now to finish of a Gail Pan BOM from 2 or 3 years ago. I'm up to November blocks. Time to sort out the green & blue fabrics to turn it into a flimsy. I have just a few hexies to sew onto a lap quilt & that will also be a flimsy. So far getting my plan for 2023 to get my WIPS/UFO's under control is succeeding. :)

Happy Stitching,


Pink Rose said...

Hi Jeanette wow this looks fantastic,glad you got the pattern for the last bit,well done on your beautiful work 🌹🤍🌹

Lin said...

Nice to have that flimsy finished - great work. xx

Karen S said...

Yay! I am so pleased this has worked out for you.
Lovely to see your top finished and looking great.

Janice said...

What a relief to receive the missing pattern. It’s good to hear you are going so well with your WIP/UFOs.

loulee said...

That's looking good. Great that you were able to replace the missing part of the pattern.

Julie said...

Hi Jeanette. I had to go back to your last post to see what you were meaning & now I understand. (sorry but stupid blogger is often not showing all the blogs I follow on my reading list)😫 . Your finished flimsy looks great - you must be so chuffed. That is wonderful that the designer sent you the missing pattern piece - just great!

Fiona said...

Thats so great you were able to get the last pattern... kind of her to send it. YOu are doing so well with your UFO's....

kiwikid said...

Wonderful you were able to get the pattern. Great finish too.

Jeanna said...

Congratulations! Your Redwork Christmas flimsy turned out so nice. Good to hear that the designer was able to send you the missing pattern. Good luck with the next UFOs!

Chookyblue...... said...

glad you could get this finished the red work.......

FNSI October

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