Sunday, October 23, 2011

This week

I finished binding the last quilt Tuesday night i think it was. I now have 8 out of the 10 completely finished. I was hoping to have the other 2 done by the end of October but as something has come up that is taking up my time i may not make it. :(
A while ago i took part in a Tilda swap on Cat's blog. Not sure why but a parcel didn't arrive for me. Cat, the lovely lady she is, insisted on sending me something. I said she didn't have to as not getting goodies one way or another is a risk you take when signing up for swaps. This week the parcel from Cat arrived.
The goodies were all tucked into the cute spotty bag.
& all wrapped up so nicely,
& inside was a gorgeous Tilda angel, choccies(my favourites), notebook & pen, teatowel, some musk lollies & the cute little soap teapot. Thanks again for playing Angel to me Cat.

Recently on a blog i saw a tree box made up & i was intrigued. I asked where i could get one & was given a link. It arrived on Friday.
I was told they did it as a class over 2 days. I'm thinking i need a class also. My daughter said she wanted one so i told she could make this one up. :) lol.

Yesterday i went to the quilt/craft show in Brisbane. I had a list of goodies i wanted. I basically stuck to it but couldn't get some of the things i wanted.
I found these lovely felt Christmas hangings. Be good for some swaps i'm in. :)
Jelly roll & layer cake of Flora. It's so pretty.
Matryoshka patterns,
reproduction fabrics,
these goodies & these
& lastly this
I bought the starter kit to go with it as well
 lot's of dies to play with. hehe.
As the stall was having 40% of dies i bough the apple core. I was hoping they had the hexagon dies but they had sold out Friday. I checked their website & the 40% sale was on it also so i've ordered the hexagons. I did also buy myself a magnify glass at the show. It twines around your sewing machine & comes with a light at the other end. It can also be hooked around your neck. Unfortunately for me the stall selling those had sold out but it's being sent postage free in a couple of weeks.

Happy Stitching,
PS: I forgot to mention i met up with Narelle & her mum for coffee at the show. They'd come down by bus for it from up Bundaberg way. So nice to meet you both. I also ran into Julie.


Fee said...

Look at all of those gorgeous goodies !! You will love the go baby - It's so much fun and much easier than traditional cutting.

Love the bear quilt too - I made that one last year for my grand daughter for christmas - It's cute.

Hugs - Fee X

Cat said...

I do love the Matryoshka patterns ::)) what a lovely lot of goodies

Anonymous said...

Jeanette your bear quilt is lovely and whow 8 out of 10,thats fantastic,well done.
Oh i just love all your buys,you bought well.God bless Cat she was an angel for me and she had had nothing to do with the swaps that didnt turn up for me..What a lovely lot of goodies from Cat..ox

Fiona said...

Love the little bear quilt and what a great shopping trip... I couldn't make the show next year so I will have to next year.... awsesome goodies you found..

Sheila said...

Congrats on more finishes , love the bear quilt! Lucky you to have a go baby I am sure you will love it and get lots of use from it too. Lots of other goodies as well :-)hugs

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

Oh you had a wonderful day out at the show. What is the name of the shop that is having the sale.
Love your finished quilts. Cat is indeed a good angel. Happy days.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love those bears! Said it before and I'll say it have the BEST mail deliveries ever!!! :) :) :)

rosie said...

There should be more Cat's in this world....
Love your little bear quilt, it's so cute..
You look like you had a fantastic time at the craft show.. Don't you love going through everything you bought when you get home...

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...