Wednesday, December 21, 2011

embroidery, finishes & advent gifts

Michelle & Paula posted the last blocks of their free BOM's early in December & i finally remembered to take a photo. :) Paula gave us the last to blocks so we could finish in time for Christmas but i think that mine will be a New Year project. Need to fabric shop first. lol
Shell's heart,
Paula's m & e blocks. 2 finishes i've had this week
Gail's free Christmas stitchery &
May Britt's free Christmas design. I opened the next 4 Advent gifts to find: day 17
bracelet, lovely smelling sachet & mini bon bon. Day 18
another cute cat on a tea towel, dmc thread & this cute bon bon. Day 19
mirror compact & matching lipstick holder, tissues & candy cane. Day 20
yummy mini Christmas cake, nail care kit & mini bon bon. Lots of lovely things for me. :) Thanks Pat.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

lovely blocks Jeanette and awesome advent gifts,well done.xx

May Britt said...

Hope you had fun stitching this heart :) Merry Christmas.

Cheryll said...

All those lovely things being opened up! Santa definitely stopped at your home! :)

Ice Queen said...

The stitching patterns are so cute! They're motivating me to make pillows that I can set out for each holiday. Thank you for sharing :)

Sheila said...

Beautiful stitcheries Jeanette, lovely gifts as well.hugs

Narelle said...

Lovely stitcheries ... Yes my HSH will be a new year project :)
Great gifts and yummy too!
Merry Christmas :)

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oooo lots of fun goodies and love your last heart block. So glad you had fun with them. Makes me smile.

Allie said...

Your stitcheries are just wonderful, hon, I haven't even started those bom's...they're on my list though! You sure are getting some beautiful gifts!

Valspierssews said...

Lots of lovely gifts and lots of pretty stitcheries. You have made up the Gail Pan one nice.

Linda said...

Love the Advent blocks. What great gifts! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jeanette!!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...