Monday, September 30, 2024

September Chookshed challenge update.

 My EPP ufo's started like this

Some progress was made on most of them.

1797 revisted has borders

The coffin quilt is has had the sides, top & bottom pieces added & trimmed
and the thimble table runner has been completed.
The other 2 i just didn't get to at all.

Whilst have a good old clear out i found a few more EPP ufu's i'd forgotten about & i did take a photo but i think i accidently deleted it.

Out of that lot i've prepped these 2 for quilting

and started filling in the edges of this one
another top i had been going to trim side to square up but on inspection felt the sides needed some fillers before trimming back so that is back on the to do pile. The other EPP projects are a bunch of flowers made many years ago that need to be sewn into mini quilts they are also back on my to do list. :)

Many thanks to Deana for encouraging us to work on our ufo's all year long. Mine have certainly been move along one way or another.

Off to find some kits to work on for Octobers challenge.

Happy Stitching,

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September Chookshed challenge update.

 My EPP ufo's started like this Some progress was made on most of them. 1797 revisted has borders The coffin quilt is has had the sides,...