Thursday, September 24, 2009

MY Lovely Day Out Yesterday

I wanted to post this last night but like most of East Australia i woke up to this. By days end i had sore eyes, sore throat from coughing all day & a headache.

In the morning Cath came & picked me up for a lovely day out in Corinda. She brought along Sharon from New Zealand. We then drove down to Marg's for a delicious morning tea. Eventually Maree arrived followed by Khris & Naomi up from Adelaide for out weekend away this weekend.  Sorry didn't take my camera for photo's. have to ask one of the girls can i pinch theirs. Then we prededed out to luch where i enjoyed lovely roast pork. Back to \Margs we went for fabric shopping. marg runs a patchwork business form home. Yes i did buy more fabrics. Who could resist thees bundles?

i just had to add these 2 pieces as well. Thanks girls for a wonderful day out. But wait there's more. The lovely Joy is driving to Ipswich today to join Khris, Naomi, Sharon & I for lunch and there was a mention of possibly more fabric shopping locally. :)

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Unknown said...

Friends and fabric = lovely day ! Enjoy your next shopping trip .

Lurline said...

Wow! What a lifestyle - you are a Professional Pleasure Seeker too, I see!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Anita said...

Sounds like a great day and fantastic fabric purchases!!! Hope you all left me some LOL
See you tomorrow Jeanette!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...