Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pattern Giveaway

Who wouldn't want to win the pattern for this beautiful babies quilt? To enter drop by Joy's blog. Isn't it just sweet.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another finish

I have another finish. Yay. Sorry i took the photo a bit close. It's a gorgeous bag. The pattern from the lovely Joy. When Joy put the pattern/kit up on eBay i just had to bid on it & luckily for me i won. Don't you just love the paw print fabrics & the cat fabrics. It sat for a while before i decided to make a start on it. I only made the front of the bag & then it sat again for a very long while. :) Finally due to the project a month challenge which you can see the button for on my side bar it's finished. I'm so pleased. post signature A PS: before my posting for pay it forwards goes to archives is there anyone who would like to sign up. Everyone likes present don't they?

Monday, January 19, 2009


I was surfing blogs this morning & discovered 2 wonderful giveaways. First is with Jo Jo. As you can see i've published my photo's of my 3 favourite things. Yes i know the ruler is in the photo but whats a board/cutter with out a ruler ? The little bag on the ruler has applibond needles in it. The 2nd lovely giveaway i discovered is over at Lilly Linda's blog. Such lovely giveaways. Do visit their blogs.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lovely Pink Giveaway

Found this gorgeous giveway. Clare is celebrating her 50th blog post. Pop on over and take a look to win.

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Pattern Storage

I was reading a blog last night & a question was asked about pattern storage. I thought people might like to see what i do. Years ago i saw my friends patterns just left in the little resealable bags & put in a box. Her bags were getting raggy from usage. Got to be something better i thought. I have to buy these folders for my kids for school & decided they'd do me. They are A4 size . The pattern sits nice & flat. Then i store all the patterns in magazine holders which then sit nice & comfy on my bookcase. I store them according to catergories ie: bags, wallhangings, stitcheries or if i have a lot patterns from just one designer they get a box of their own. Also the folders do double duty when i'm working on a project. I can put the fabrics ect in the folders & if i'm off to sewing it's all there together. My books & magazines are all also stored in the holders.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

3 BOM's finished

Look what i've finished. Bunny Tales lovely bom, Gail's Christmas bom & Cheryl's lovely verandah views bom. Wish i could say the same for the other 2 lovely bom's i found on bloggers. Haven't even traced one out nor cut the shapes out for the other one. I've also joined in the country calender bom. I know a glutton for punishment but they are all so lovely who can resist. I can't wait for the next posting of these bom's

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

2 finished projects

Blogger finally co-operated & here are my photo's. The little bag is called The Elegant Quilter. It opens out to reveal a needleholder & a pocket. The 2nd photo is called Stitched Trilogy. Its from Natalie Lymer. I made my daughter this set in a different colour this time last year & cut out mine at the same time. It's only a year old UFO. The little bag is a very recent UFO.


Saturday, January 3, 2009


Aside from my love of craft i love plants. I spotted a plant called a Desert Rose in a garden book & always wanted one but couldn't find a place to buy them. Finally found one at a local market. I only bought the one. After all this time it has finally flowered. I was so happy as i'd knocked the top off then a hail storm damaged it.


Friday, January 2, 2009

i'm hoping i can do it ! :)

As you can see by my side bar i've joined in a challenge to finish a project a month. I had made a pre-Christmas promise to myself that this year i'd complete UFO's,WIP's and maybe work on presents for friends & family early. I'm hoping by joining Kris at Tag Along Teddies, May Britt at Abyquilt & other bloggers in this challenge that i'll have the incentive to work on my many projects. I've also joined in the redwork cushion swap at i just love redwork.


FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...