Thursday, May 30, 2013

I've lost the month of May.

As usual i had big sewing plans & as usual very little was done. All i have to show are 2 finishes. I had started putting together the bag for the Stitch A Long nearly 2 weeks ago & had gotten to the bag handles when my daughter asked if i'd like to go shopping. Well i chose shopping as i really didn't want to work on the bag anymore & there it sat until yesterday as time was running out.
My finished bag. I was debating whether to do the back like in the pattern & in the end i did.
The back of the bag has a gap cut into it & yes it has a Purple lining. :) My other finish is for 1 Xmas Item, late i know as it was supposed to be posted on the 25th.
A table mat from Gail Pan's Christmas book. I also completed 2 more stitcheries from "Christmas" banner.
only 2 more to do & i can mark that as finished.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 19, 2013


After collecting the patterns for 8 months recently i finally started working on Fee's hexagon club. I've caught up on month 1 & 2 & last night started on month 3. There are 3 patterns a month. These are what i worked on last night.
The one on the left is still damp from washing my tracing pen out so the colours looks a bit dull.

Pop on over to Heidi's to see who else joined FNSI last night & what the worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 12, 2013

quiltmakers 100 blocks

Recently Michelle posted about being in Quiltmakers 100 blocks & i was sent my very own copy by Michelle.
Signed as well. :)
Can't wait to make this block up. These goodies were included
bunny ears for the Valdani threads, yummy choccies, felt & my very own The Raspberry Rabbits pen. Wandering around my plants yesterday i found 4 bush lemons ready to pick & a lonely ripe cumquat. There are others on the tree not ripe & i'm keeping a careful eye on them. It's not my first cumquat by any means as i usually lose them to fruit fly. Grrr.

Happy Mother's Day,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mrs Martin's swap - Mothers Day

Yesterday my parcel for Mother's Day arrived from Lyn (no blog). I was going to wait until Sunday but as i heard from Lyn that she'd already opened the parcel i sent her, of which i unfortunately didn't take a photo, i decided to open my gift too.
Fat 1/4, beautiful blue china flower buttons, ribbon & a gorgeous smelling lemon myrtle soap.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday Night With Friends.

My day started early. I had stitcheries finished last month from a Gail Pan Christmas pattern that i didn't get back to sewing together. All the strips had been cut out as well. Yesterday was the day i decided. Plans didn't quite get fulfilled though. Some reverse stitching delayed completion. I did get it finished though, to the stage where all i need to do is quilt it, before i left for school pick up.
 Next up was another Gail Pan design. This time from her Christmas book.
It's a little hexagon table mat. I was looking though my Cottage Garden threads & discovered i'm one short. Shopping trip for me :)

Pop over to our host Cheryll's for links to see what everyone else made/worked on last night.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...