Wednesday, December 31, 2014


.......2014 that is
Happy New Year my friends.

Happy Stitching in 2015,

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

last little finish

Last night i finished sewing the binding on the lovely little Xmas table topper
A block arrived yesterday for the Bonnie & Camille sampler swap
love the cute little cat's heads. A surprise gift included.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 28, 2014

What i sent in the Christmas swaps.

LGS online group 6 items swap for Xmas. This is what i sent Carol(no blog)
I sent to Christin in Chookyblues SSCS swap
bag with a teeny tiny pouch & key fob.

I was also in Cheryll's Santa sack swap. This is what i sent Sharon
a bag instead of a sack/stocking,
table runner,
sewing roll,
outside of sewing roll,
inside of sewing roll - threads included as part of the present,
mouse pincushion, 2 sides,
the other 2 sides,
shopping compendium,
the inside with pen & notebook included,
teeny tiny pouch which had chocolate inside & keyfob,
lastly 2 project folders.

 Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Swap gifts.

Finally the time had arrived to open the mysterious presents under the tree. :) First i opened the gift from Anne Heidi in the SSCS swap run by Chookyblue
A beautiful runner with such cute little mice. Love it Anne Heidi. Thankyou ever so much.

Next were my gifts from the online swap group i'm in.
Beautiful gifts from Kerrie. Thankyou ever so much Kerrie. Love them all.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Lets Stitch Together

My Secret Santa partner in our online group for the Christmas swap was Kerrie. These lovely gifts arrived Thursday
A 6 item swap we are allowed to open 5 with the main gift going under the tree.
My beautiful gifts from Kerrie & a special one form Kerrie's granddaughter. Love them all thanks ever so much Kerrie.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, December 22, 2014

Last finish before Christmas

Chilly penguins has been waiting patiently for a few days for me to finish them. Yesterday was the day.
Such a cute stitchery form Natalie Bird.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Making blocks

On Tuesday Joshua put out a call for quilters to make Hashtag blocks for quilts for the victims of the Sydney siege. You can read about the request here. Wednesday i set to choosing fabrics as the request was for white & tone on tone fabrics to make the quilts look like rainbows.
The blocks i mailed of Thursday

Yesterday i spent making Santa stocking for the GS's
Such fun - not. The pattern just says to sew them together not stating which front & back to sew together. I decided i'd add wadding & lining to give them more substance. First stocking went together well even though my machine hates sewing wadding that doesn't have a backing over it. Then trouble struck. Apparently the red one on the right possibly should be the back of the stocking on the left. I do wish the little info given on the panel said so. Now i have a spare red piece to make into a stocking when i get some more Xmas fabric.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 20, 2014

What i did on FNSI

Thankyou Wendy for not only hosting us last night but throughout the year. Do pop over & visit Wendy to see what the other lovelies who joined last night got up to. My day started out with a visit to Spotlight. Only purchased 3 small things & nothing to do with quilting. Owl thingies for my daughter for Xmas. Next to Bargain Box for toy stuffing.

Home again it was time to tackle the owl. Fabric had been bought a few years back to make 2 owls & of course never done. I had 2 greens & 2 purples. I consulted another daughter as to which would be best together & we went with the 2 purples. Looks like if the other owl ever gets done, highly unlikely, it will be green. :)
This is the result of the days sewing. Sewing those wings in was a struggle. I'd pinned the darn things well but upon turning out discovered an issue. I was ready to through the darn thing in the bin i can tell you by the time the wing was back in place. Time for a break & a cup of tea.

Next up was to deal with the meat in the fridge. We now have a lovely batch of meat patties & a batch of meatballs all ready for an easy meal any night i don't feel like cooking. Oh lets face it i hardly feel like cooking anytime. :) lol.

After tea the owl got stuffed & his/her base put on. Just hope my daughter likes it now.
I ended my night working on these. Finished love which is block 2 & then started hope.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Today's the day.....

to open our Santa Sack in the swap run by lovely Cheryll. Now the question is should i or shouldn't i. Well if you are reading this blog post you know i did open them. :) My partner was Sharon & i just love what she sent me.
Beautiful wallhanging,
shoe bag,
fabric & gorgeous thread,
needlecase & tissue holder,
inside of needlecase,
a wonderful dilly bag. We decided on a bag rather than sack or stocking.
Social tote - top,
social tote - side. I'll love you forever for making me this Sharon. :)

My beautiful gifts together. I meant to take another photo as i realised later the choccies weren't there. I'd put them on the box beside me as i was opening the other gifts. Thankyou Sharon for my wonderful gifts. I love them all. Thankyou Cheryll for running the swap again for us this year. I always enjoy the Santa Sack swap.

Happy Stiching

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

6" Sampler Stitch Along

We were asked to show our first 9 blocks when the 10th was posted. Here are my first 9 together. I might have to redo the middle on on the left as the purple fabric is to dark against the black. The floral purple is ok though. I thought i was going to get behind again as they are posting the blocks a bit quicker now & 11 was posted before i got to 10. Monday & Tuesday morning saw me making those 2 blocks so i'm caught up. :)
Now to catch up on another BOM & some UFO's.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, December 15, 2014

Charming Stars Stitch Along

After getting all my swaps out my sewing mojo just disappeared. I need to catch up on a few things so yesterday made myself go & do some sewing
Last 4 blocks for Charming Stars Stitch Along run by Terry. Plus the pinwheels from the cut off corners. They've been so handy to send along with my Bonnie & Camille sampler swap. I'm glad i used them instead of throwing them out like i usually do. Next month sashings & borders.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Birthday blocks Update.

A few more arrived in the last 2 weeks. The total blocks is now at 46. I'll wait until after Christmas to put the top together in case any more arrived.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 13, 2014

SSCS parcel

I joined in Chookyblue's Santa Sack swap & the Santa who sent to me was Anne Heidi from Norway. I've been slack & just realised i didn't post about the parcel arriving but i did let Anne Heidi know which is the main thing.
My bundle of loveliness. Even a surprise in the form of a block for my birthday quilt. I opened the ornament parcel & discovered....
...these oh so cute little stockings. I just love them. Anne Heidi also included a pewter snowflake. They are all hanging on the little Xmas tree i had to buy so i could at least have a tree up this year. I think next year the little tree will be my tree for hanging special ornies from friends. I haven't heard from my partner who i sent to so i've got fingers crossed that it will arrived in time for Xmas.

 Thankyou Anne Heidi for the lovely ornies. Can't wait to open the main parcel.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, December 8, 2014

Swap gifts - November Finishes

I was in an online swap just for Aussies & now my partner has opened her gifts i can show you what i made. My partner is a Bonnie & Camille fan also luckily for me as that made it easier for choosing fabric. It was a Secret Santa swap.
mini pouch & key fob.
mug rug,
folded ornaments,
  table runner,
All the gifts together as they included choccies as well.
These are the gifts my Secret Santa sent to me. Tree wallhanging, Gail Pan pattern, cathedral window pincushion, lavender sack, key fob & hand made necklace. There was also a small chocolate which i ate straight away as it was melting. She is also Bonnie & Camille fan & that made it easy for her to choose fabrics for me also. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Last night i joined Cheryll & 45 other wonderful ladies for the last FNwF of the year. I didn't get an early start yesterday like i normally do on a Friday. My daughter had High School orientation. I'd asked my SIL to take us out to the school & on the way back we made an unexpected stop, for me that is, at Spotlight. As i'd been there the day before i didn't need a thing but i bought a pink lasagne dish i'd been eyeing off the day before. Finally home & into cleaning the sewing room. That took a few hours sorting but it isn't quite done as my books & patterns are still sitting needing to be sorted.

I've been working on a Cross Stitch lately & managed to get a little done last night. It's the first time i've worked on linen & i'm quite enjoying it.
Just the roof & the grey in the windows.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...