Monday, June 30, 2014

Table Mat

A last finish for June. My tablemat from Gail's Simply Christmas 2014.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Block Keeper Pt 2.

My partner in the block swap to send to was Tarnyia. 
inside i put a wool wadding.
extra goodies i sent along.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Block Holder Swap

My block holder arrived from my swap partner Lyn(no blog). Lyn knows me well. :)
Lyn made the block holder to match a couple of gifts she had made me in a swap last year.
Inside i found this lovely block Lyn had included. Also in the parcel
chocolate & threads. :)

 Block 5 of A Merry Christmas Garden BOM finally done
now for block 6 which arrived in the mail earlier this week.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 23, 2014


Friday started bright & early. It was RETREAT time. :) I wish i could say it was heads down, bum up from the get go but setting up, greetings of the other 14 lovely ladies & morning tea had to be dealt with first. Finally it was time to sew. First up was my little banner
Sorry for bad photo. I was using my tablet & have transferred the photo's from there. It was supposed to be completely finished but someone who shall remain nameless forgot to bring me the bias binding for the top. Next up was this cube
 I had fun & games with this. Cut it all out equally & followed instructions carefully only to discover
the last panel wasn't going to go in no matter how much fudging i tried. Unpicked it a little bit & rearranged panels, same deal. As tempting as it was to throw it aside i completely unpicked it & rearranged the panels again & 3rd time lucky. I didn't take stuffing with me so that is a job for this week. Last thing i worked on on Friday was this
I only managed to get the embroidery pieces sewn to the background & 1 started with the hexie backing. Pop over & visit our lovely hostess Wendy to sew what the other ladies who joined in worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I did forget 1 more thing.......

........ that i'd done over the weekend. I traced out 6 reindeer for a table mat from Gail Pan's new book Simply Christmas 2014,
Terrible photo but i'm still trying to figure out my new camera. The old one was so much easier.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Sewing Weekend.

Saturday morning saw me up early ready to start my sewing weekend. What to work on as there was plenty of projects to choose from. So i made a list. :)
I spent most of the day working on this, block 5 of A Merry Christmas Garden. All the applique pieces are in the plastic bags. I had hope to do more but good ole Arther came to visit & no amount of discouragement from me induced him to leave. Saturday night i finished the embroidery on my mice.
Sunday saw me up early again. Next on my list were the borders for Goodnight Irene
all done ready to be quilted. After this i pinned this project ready to quilt which i was hoping to do Monday but it wasn't meant to happen. :(
Last thing i managed to do was prepare the felt mice & start stitching them.
The other things on my list will have to wait for another time.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Friday Night With Friends

I tried to start my sewing day early but i had a commitment to meet but unfortunately the other party forgot so after waiting quite a while for a phone call that never came i thought screw it i'm going to get on with my sewing. My 5th block from Gail Pans bom has been waiting for me to get back to cutting it out.
I cut out all the background pieces,
then started to prepare my applique. It's quite time consuming preparing applique & i didn't get as much done as i'd hoped because my adorable GS was coming for a wee visit. Last night was spent embroidering the wee mice for the pincushions.
Pop on over to our lovely hostess Cheryl to visit other friends were stitching last night.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Project

Last night i worked on the hexi part for this pincushion. As i'm making 2 pincushions i had 28 hexies to sew together. Tonight i'm working on the stitchery part & hopefully the mouse applique.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Gossip In The Garden

My sewing mojo has somewhat disappeared but i dragged up some from somewhere to finish the chosen block for this month of Gossips.
As i was away whislt Chookyblue was hosting her 2 year anniversary i didn't get to sit & sew all weekend so i'm having a sewing weekend for myself this weekend. Yes i'm going to try & drag my mojo kicking & screaming from where ever it's hiding. Feel free to join me for a sewing weekend.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...