Saturday, February 25, 2017

Slow going EPP

I'm still growing my EPP project. Last night i added the other half of the last row.
I then prepared the pieces for the next row
I'm not officially out of white pieces but there isn't enough left to do anything with. I was going to leave it there, add a border & maybe use it as a table runner but then i'd have a pile of green & pink shapes over. So i will go to Spotlight & my LQS & see if i can find a white homespun. I should have enough of the floral white for 2 maybe 3 rows more if i can find the white homespun. After that i think i need to do some embroidery or applique whilst i wait for my 2 new EPP projects to arrive though i do have another new one ready to start along with working on Lucy Boston. Time to work out a program to follow so it's jusy not all EPP. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 18, 2017

FNSI February

Nothing exciting happened with my FNSI. I'm still working on my EPP project. I'm really trying to finish a project before starting anything new. I normally wouldn't sew a project this way but when you don't exactly have a pattern & no idea what was cut out by the lady i bought it from i have to wing it.
I managed to prepare all those little squares & sew on the row above them. I've figured i've enough to make it this size plus 1 more row on the bottom. Then i'm out of the white fabric & very little left of the white print. But i'll have heaps of the pink & green shapes left over. Maybe i could do a few more rows around using different white fabrics. I'll have to see as not very big even if i add a border or.

Pop over & visit Wendy, our very lovely hostess, to find links to see who joined in FNSI & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 11, 2017

My latest project.

The EPP i started working on last week is slowly growing.
No much this week as i was out with a migraine for several days. I'm not sure how big this will be as i bought it in a destash. Partly started & the shapes all cut. I'm hoping it will be lap size at least. Thinking about it last night i'll have to see if i can find a similar white fabric to fill in the triangle shapes or just some border fabric to applique it down to.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 4, 2017

FNwF February

I had plans, lots of plans. Why i make plans i don't know as they never work out. I knew nothing was happening in the morning as i would be out but i'd planned on tracing out some embroidery in the afternoon. Due to the heat i ended up with a headache & then spent the time asleep.  So what did i do for FNwF you ask? Well i worked on Colonial Garden.
I'm a bit over it now. I almost had the last little side bits added when bed called me & i discovered i'd miscounted the green triangles & i'm short one. All i've left to do is in the bottom left corner before it's off to the sewing machine for the borders. Just 4 little pieces left. Hooray.  Now to see what other ufo's need to be finished into tops.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Cheryll to find links to see who joined in FNwF last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Colonial Garden update

Last night i finally got row 6 added.
It's the last row on the right hand side. The quilt won't be very big, only lap size. I prepared all the filler bits last night & made a start down one side. After that i've to add a border.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...