Saturday, April 29, 2017

What a crappy week

 Very little happened in the way of sewing. I did finish the other 4 Ice Cream Soda blocks
Added a few more stitches to this block
& everything went down hill from Anzac day. Hopefully today i can get back on track with my crafting.

I have new additions to my place

How exciting to get our first home grown egg
Happy stitching

Saturday, April 22, 2017

FNSI April ......

I spent the afternoon watching Netflix getting some Ice Cream Soda blocks done.
by bedtime i had 2 full ones & a part of a 3rd. They take so long to piece together.

Thursday i made this one
I only have 4 left for this months round of blocks to sew.

Earlier in the week i completed another 10 Mischief blocks.
Pop over to hostess Wendy's blog to find links to everyone who joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 15, 2017

My week

I made 10 more blocks for Mischief
My friend posted the little Klosjes to me so i put them together
There were another 2 with them but my friend had already sewn them together. I have 18 now. Still not sure i want to make a big quilt with them. :)

Back to my stitching after that
finished this block last night & started this one
Hopefully the next installment of Ice Cream Soda arrives Tuesday so i can get them done. I also need to prepare more Mischief blocks & the joining pieces.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 8, 2017

FNwF, April

During the week i added the last 2 rows to my pink, green white EPP quilt. I was short 2 pinks & i went with a suggestion of finding a pink that would "blend" in. Thursday i cut all the squares to fill in the triangle gaps along the side. I added 1 row Thursday night. For FNwF i managed to get the last 3 side done.
It looks a bit odd as i haven't trimmed the squares back yet or added the pieces to the corner. I went with filling in the triangle gaps rather than applique to a border. I am still adding a border i just need to go shopping. :)

Earlier in the week i made these
I now have 29 shapes for Mischief. Still a long way to go to 100.

Pop over to lovely hostess Cheryll to find links to see who joined in last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 1, 2017

My stitchy week

I've been stitching another Gail Pan Christmas project which i finished earlier in the week.
After that i prepared more blocks for Mischief
The black & which pieces are the joining pieces for the purple blocks.

After that i went with a suggestion of using a different pink fabric for the last 2 rows in my pink, green white epp quilt as the lady i bought it from was short 2 pieces. So now when i add the last 2 rows i've only green octagons left over. Yay.
The lozenge shape papers were really wrecked by the time i got this far so i was lucky i have a Lucy Boston quilt i could pinch some from. Just have to remember to put them back. :) I prepped all these for a trip away next week. Not sure if i'll be going now thanks to all the flooding from Cyclone Debbie.

I felt like adding embroidery to my projects & found up a cute Fig 'n' Berry project.
The red ran unfortunately & i had to soak it. I had a little though running around that the fabric looked a little different. Yes it does. Grrr. The pieces were a cream tone on tone but now after soaking the finished piece looks white. As the red runs the other 4 embroidery pieces will most likely look white too.

Thursday i didn't feel like either EPP or embroidery so what did i do. You guessed it i started another project. This time hand piecing. I've wanted to make these for years & as i've all the scraps out for Ice Cream Soda quilt i decided to make a start.
I've been making 3" Klosjes (spools). I mentioned that it might be just a table runner & a friend told me "no go for a big quilt".  She did & it's beautiful but hers is 60" by 60" & used 400 Klosjes. We'll see. She did however have some left over & is sending them to me which i greatly appreciate. As much as i love handpiecing it's slow going & 400 is quite alot.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...