Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February finishes

I managed  to squeeze in some last minute finishes today. I also prepped some backing  for a quilt that's ready to  be quilted & put binding on a quilt I'm just about to sew down.
My first finish

My mandolin block turned into a cushion cover. Next up i finished off my Christmas stitcheries.
Now to find hangers for the 3 hangings.

Well i managed to get the binding down on my quilt.
Colonial Garden is finally a wrap after many years.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 24, 2018

A week of EPP

I worked on my thimbles & i'm still undecided what do with them. Leave as is for a table runner or keep going & make a quilt.
I've 180 thimbles here. 30 thimbles in each row. It's wide enough & long enough for a table runner. If i was to make it queen sized quilt i would probably need to make well over 1000 of them. So i'll see.

Last night i added more coffins.
On the left i think i added 4 to the row i'd been working on, a whole row & then 5 more before i decided i needed sleep.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 17, 2018

FNSI February

 I joined in FNSI yesterday & I had hoped to sit at the machine but it was still way to hot to do a thing. Roll on winter please.

 Late in the evening i got my 3 stitcheries ready to applique to the backgrounds.

That done i finished appliqueing the last 4 triangles(right side) to this strip. So now i can get that ufo finished off.
The yellows really aren't that bright. They are a very muted colour.

Then i thought "what to do?" more Coffins, Libby hexies or just what i didn't know. I had to fix up the mess Bella made beside my chair when she knocked several things down & i found what i was going to do.  I was going to start a new project. lol
I started sewing together my little EPP thimbles. I'm not sure how big this will be. I've 200 to begin with & as they are only about 1" across the top & 2" across the bottom. Length is just under 2 " so it will take a while to make a big quilt. :).

Pop over & visit our lovely hostess Wendy & to find the links to everyone who joined i & what projects they worked on.

Happy stitching,

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Lost my sewjo

i really struggled this week to do a thing. Guess that comes from migraines, fibro flares & a spine than need adjustment. I did do hand work yes but even that was an effort. I was hoping to get back to the machine next week but we are in for  heatwave.

I finished Santa off & moved onto the 3rd design in the little hangings
then i redid the little stitcheries from the Christmas hearts that i stuffed up with the cutting measurements.
Caught up on this months stitcheries for the stitchalong of Ruth's Dream quilt. I counted up how many i've done & i seem to be behind to where i should be but i'm not worried after all it's a slow stitchalong. :)
I wish my thread showed up better but being a pale pink/green it doesn't photograph to well no matter what i try.

Wednesday i think it was i had a brilliant idea, Yes i do have those occasionally but they are few & far between. :) I've been collecting pins/badges & planned to make a hanging for them but being busy trying to get UFO's done i don't want to start a really big project yet. I had a hanging my friend made me many years ago that would be great to put my collection on for. It was like a treasure hunt looking for the hanging. I found things i'd forgotten i'd made. :)
My hanging with the badges/pins i've collected. I've another 3 pins coming in the mail & i forgot to add my other cat ones. During my search I did drag out a small ufo to add the applique to. It has been sitting there over 10 years now. Just the 2  rows & it would've been done.

After that i've just been adding coffins to my quilt.
I finished adding coffins to the top row, added another to the left side & then have started another row on the left side. I counted how many coffins across & i'm up to 17. Just need to add 13 more along the bottom & it will be big enough for a queen bed. I did some calculations & i think i need about 20 more coffins to add to t he 1000 made so it's about 30 coffins wide & 34 coffins long. I'm hoping that gives me good width & length to cover a queen sized bed. Plus there is side border to add to it's a rectangle shaped quilt.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 3, 2018

FNwF February

Boy did that roll around quick. Did anyone see the month of January at all ? I blinked & missed it. :) :)

Anyway my plans yesterday went out the window as i remembered there was an orthodontist appt to attend mid morning with 1 daughter & then the other wanted to go for coffee over at the big shopping centre so i went with her to do that. It was late afternoon by the time i got back & all i wanted was nanny nap. :)
I found this cute sign which i though would be handy to hang blocks or small quilts on to take photo's.

So i guess you are wondering did i do any crafting at all. Well yes i did. I embroidered Santa.
I nearly got him finished too before bed called. These little stitcheries are very quick & easy to stitch. I just have Frosty to stitch now.

Pop over to visit lovely hostess Cheryll to find the links to who joined in last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, February 2, 2018

My projects this week

I finished the 4 blocks for part 7. I wasn't keen on this one as only 3 shapes are used & therefore only 3 fabrics were supplied. I would've like a 4th piece to add in.
It was hard to get the 4th block to look different to the other 3.

I've stitched 1 of the 3 Christmas stitcheries i traced out Sunday
Yesterday i appliqued my Mandolin block to it's background. Now to decide on a cushion or a hanging. I'm going to quilt over it & do some echo quilting around the block.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...