Wednesday, October 31, 2018

1797 Revisited

My new EPP project is slowly growing. It's taking longer now it's grown. The next row i think i counted needs 54 pieces. A long way to get to the 800 plus pieces in the original.

This is the original quilt & details can be found here.
I've added a blue row to mine but not sure i like it but it's staying as i'm not unpicking it. :)
Happy Sewing,


Saturday, October 20, 2018

FNSI October

Yesterday i joined in FNSI & I started the morning by putting together a needlecase.

I had just chosen the fabric for the 2nd needlecase when little visitors arrived. So no sewing for several hours. I was tired when they left but i really needed to get the needlecase done so i sat & sewed. Then off to the lounge room to attach the binding.

Now to decide which to send in the swap. :).

After that i traced out a Halloween stitchery.

& put a few stitches in before bed.

After sewing the binding down on the needlecase i put together the next row for my new EPP project. There are 30 there.

Embroidery up next. I finished the flowers off in the jug & completely stitched the other from Send My Love bom.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Wendy & find out who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October Snowman.

A few days behind with my snowman heart. I put it together a couple of days ago but only managed to get the stitching done tonight.
Pop over to Karen & Joan's blogs to see the snowman hearts they made for this month.

This pattern was put out by Bunny Hill designs several years ago but they've been released again if anyone wants to make them. You can find them here.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 12, 2018

English Paper Piecing

Ummm i might have started a new project. I'm in a FB group & one lady suggested we do a group challenge based on a quilt displayed in the VA museum. We are calling our quilt 1797 Revisited because that is how old the quilt is that is on display.

 Another member asked a lady in Victoria to create the template & papers for us which was really good. As mine arrived yesterday i made a start last night.

After this photo i've started to add the next row. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, October 8, 2018

Another UFO finished

I've had this quilt back from Fiona for several weeks & with the binding made but with life butting in i only got back to it Saturday. Then the beautiful rain made photo's impossible until today. Not that the sun was much better as i couldn't get a decent shot showing the fabric colours & the stitchery. Pattern was in an old patchwork magazine & is by Patchwork Rose Cottage (Judy Gray) called Cherry Ripe. My SIL bought each of us a kit from the shop so it wasn't my fabric choices. Not sure when i started this. Maybe early 2000's.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 6, 2018

FNwF October

Last night i joined in Friday Night with Friends hosted by the lovely Cheryll.

Just a few things stitched. Around lunch time i trimmed back my little stitcheries for Send my Love bom & cut a background piece to applique some EPP to. Then onto a necessary but boring job which i'd been putting off - winding DMC threads onto cards. I only thought i had a few needing to be replaced but that few turned into about 20 & took me several hours. Just as well i have Netflix to entertain me. :) :).

The evening saw me me applique the stitcheries to the backgrounds.

Applique the EPP down
This is the front of a  needle case i'm making for a swap.

Lastly i started doing the stitching on this panel from a ufo which i discovered to my disgust i had  started on back in 2012.
I'd dragged it out earlier this week & have completed the front & back panels & i am now up to the small stitcheries which go on My Little Teahouse sewing bag. I'm hoping it isn't another 6 years before it's a finish. :) :).

Pop over to Cheryll's blog to find out who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...