Saturday, September 19, 2020

FNSI September

 Yesterday was FNSI, hosted by Wendy, & i had plans to work on my quilt from last post but life as always gets in the way.

Time for that mammogram to occur, that done i came home slightly distracted almost forgetting about FNSI but i needed to pop around to see my brother whose wife recently passed away.

After that I quietly stitched on this little block i had started Thursday night.

Then it was out again with my learner burner daughter for practise before her test next week. I didn't think I was going to finish the stitchery but it's done & i started another.

Including this one I have 4 left & they are done. 

Pop over to visit Wendy to see who joined in FNSI last night & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, September 5, 2020

FNwF September

Yesterday i joined in FNwF hosted by Cheryll.

I started early as i'm making a new quilt using up my 2-1/2" squares i chopped up many years ago planning to use them in a scrappy quilt "one day". I had started last year, i think, to piece together the squares as leaders & enders as i used my machine but they fell by the wayside. I was surprised though when I counted yesterday that I'd made 53 pair up. 🙂.

This is the quilt i'm making.
It's called Fading Charms Quilt.

 I'm planning on making 4 quilts but I don't have enough squares cut. I think my tin only holds enough for 2 quilts. I've plenty of scraps though to have another cutting marathon. 🙂🙂.

I was just pulling random squares out of my tin

 & sewing together when I decided that wasn't working so i pulled them all out & spread them over my bed
and the ironing board
With my daughters help I would pair them up & place beside the machine to chain piece
After taking a tea break back to sewing & another "helper" to assist in sewing
After lunch I was getting sore from sitting for so long so I decided to count how many pairs I made yesterday & they totalled 320. Adding the earlier 53 I've sewn together 754 of the 846 needed for the quilt. I could've kept going but I really wanted to get the centre together to see how it would look with the homespun i was using on this top.

The other 3 quilts I'll use blue, possibly black & pink for the borders as they are all for my grandchildren & although I'm using the same design for all 4 i want the borders different colours for each of them.

In the evening I finished the words, hearts & french knots on last Wednesdays Love and Hugs from Australia Christmas stitcheries.
I do wish the red wouldn't run on cottage garden threads but fortunately it soaks out with any damage to the stitcheries.

Lastly I started on the latest block in my Christmas bom from Fig n Berry designs.

Pop over to visit Cheryll to see who joined in & what projects were worked on

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...