Saturday, November 16, 2024

FNSI November

 Not sure how it got to be the 3rd Friday of the month yesterday but it was.

Friday was a busy one for me. I made 10 more blocks for Ladder Star

Total of 12 & i need 64. If i keep up my momentum i could have a top by end of next week :) :).

I switched to embroidery in the evening. I finished this block off

and started this one

Happy Stitching,

Friday, November 15, 2024

Binding, binding & more binding

  A week or sew ago i made myself get to quilting 3 small ufo's, add the binding to them & bind 3 hangings that i'd had quilted by bubzrugz earlier this year. That done i spent the last week hand sewing the bindings down. 6 more ufo's done & dusted.

First one was a simple runner from a bag of 1/2" hexies i acquired somewhere.

Next up a mat made of thimbles
I won this as a top on IG
next  A Redwork Christmas by Fig N Berry Creations.

then Merry & Bright by Gail Pan Designs.
and finally stitched the last stitch last night on It's A Redwork Christmas by Rosalie Quinlan.
I discovered when recently selling off patterns that i had 2 of these. LOL. Pays to check patterns out before buying. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 2, 2024

FNwF November

 Yesterday was FNwF & would've been my Dad's 99th birthday so despite feeling quite sad i set to with my sewing.

First up was a ufo. The blocks were stitched in 2019 & then i abandoned it when i got to the borders. Not sure actually when i stitched the borders after that as i can't find any photo's, I did find one in 2022 when i tried ironing on the transfers & that wasn't a success. Anyhoo time to finish it up into a top at least. :)

After a short rest i decided to give one of Bonnie Sullivan's a try. She had recently made a quilt using plaids & checks. Hers is from recycled shirts, mine is from a stash of plaids & checks. Not sure why i have so many. :) But time for them to go. I may have enough to make several quilts. lol
First 2 blocks. I quite after that as i kept making mistakes with the green block & it was the second block & it was getting late. The patterns is called ladder star.

After dinner it was time for hand sewing. I had started a Lucy block on Thursday night
and got this far by the time for bed.
Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll to see who joined in to sew last night.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...