Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Finishes for August

These a my 3 finishes so far for August. Unfortunately in the recent Christmas in July swap for reasons unknown a swapper missed out on receiving any gifts. So i said to the host i'd be glad to send something to her. This is what i made & sent. Also shown is the hand made Christmas card. I've not done embroidered cards before. The little needle case is a Rosalie Quinlan pattern which i bought a while back & have been eager to make. The little bag is a Bareroots design. I've had this pattern a while so was glad of an excuse to make one up. So quick & easy.


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Lurline said...

Gorgeous gifts and that is so thoughtful of you!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Kim said...

That is so nice of you Jeanette, I am sure she will enjoy the gifts, and you do such nice work.

The Rabbit Factory said...

You are most thoughtful Jeanette!

The Rabbit Factory said...

You are most thoughtful Jeanette!

Unknown said...

Thank goodness for people like you , that is really very kind .

Erre54 said...

hi janette,,I'ìM Rita..I send you some different e-mails but they returned me always
I wrote on your blog.
I? m sorry but Jo give you another patner

Granny Goose said...

Your gifts look great. The person who receives them is going to be very lucky.


Khris said...

I love that hexagon needlecase...I have a thing for hexagons and went through a hexagon bag stage a while back...need to get back to my hundreds of little hexagons to make into a quilt...yikes...havent touched them for ages...hugs Khris

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...