Monday, February 20, 2012


My Mum has finally come to the conclusion that not only does my Dad need to be in care she is needing it also. In doing so she is passing onto my siblings & myself bits & pieces. Last time i was there i brought home the china she told me i could have.
I've always loved this carnival glass bowl. I was only expecting this bowl but i was given these 2 as well.
Dad bought a series of lion/tiger plates & we were to choose 1. No guessing which one i chose. :)
Thursday Joy ventured up to Ipswich for lunch with Pami & i. We visited 2 stores that sell old china. In the first store i spotted several things i wanted but sadly they were a bit beyond my price range but i did come home with this gorgeous teaset.
At the next shop i found a lovely crinoline lady bowl & another of the orange coloured bowls shown above. Tempted to buy it but settled on the crinoline.
Still might go get the other bowl though. :)

My poor kitties go through a lot. Poor Bella is the latest recipient of the fun & games.
She is not amused.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

some beautiful glassware there Jeanette your mum and dad have great taste and i love that set you bought and gee how pretty is that,kitty doesnt look amused,great post jeanette.xx

Lurline said...

Lovely pics, I just love those pinky bowls!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Wendy said...

I love the tea set! And oh poor kitty!

Fiona said...

It's lovely that you will have some of your mums treasures in the house... and those are beauties.. I hope the transition to care is not too traumatic for them... and you..

Cheryll said...

Some lovely new treasures you've acquired. Love the pic of your furry family member! :)

Susan said...

oh wow, I love it when things get handed down. Your china is beautiful

Sheila said...

Lucky you Jeanette , lots of gorgeous dishes , my Mom has some of that carnival glass as well . Tour kitty is so pretty , doesn't look overly happy though . hugs Sheila

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love the depression glass...

Michelle Ridgway said...

Carnival glass is so pretty. I love your tea set and the Crinoline lady bowl. I thought you were going to hav an 'attack cat' on your hands there for a minute.

Anonymous said...

That is such an important and hard decision for your parents. I hope that their transition is smooth and wish them luck.

Allie said...

It's a good thing, hon, that your mum is aware of her own needs - it can really lead to battles when parents don't like to admit they need help. Your china is all fabulous, but I love that crinoline lady best!

Linda said...

Beautiful China pieces!!! Bella's face hilarious!! Lol! Too cute!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Beautiful, beautiful treasures! Oh and a beautiful Bella too! :)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...