Monday, April 30, 2012

Cushion cover

I couldn't even say when i did the embroidery for the cover but i do know it sat there quite a while. Last June i took it to retreat to add the borders & again it sat. I then dragged it out quite a while back to add the applique & you guessed it - it sat again until last Friday. All i needed to do was add the backing fabric to finish it.
1 last finish for April. I have 2 others too but can't show those as they were for swaps.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, April 26, 2012

1 Xmas item

Well yesterday was 1 Xmas item day but i'm posting a day late because of Anzac Day. I actually have 3 items.
I decided against making them into heart hangers instead i appliqued them to a glittery background fabric & then stapled them to canvas. I also finished this
Again decide against a pincushion, appliqued it to a background fabric & put on a canvas. I forgot to take a photo yesterday & quickly took one this morning little realising i was shadowing the picture.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

a finish & china

I have finally finished the heart shaped stitchery i was working on. Lots of embroidery on this one. But i love it.
Yesterday afternoon my daughters & i stopped in an op shop & i found these gorgeous little plates.
Bargain price too for English china.
I just loved the little blooms on them.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Flower Wednesday

It's been a while since i've posted about my hexies. I have been working on & off on the hexies for the Vignette hexie quilt but this week i worked on something different.
I recently saw this as a quilt on a blog & really liked it. I used my 1" hexies for it. I'm still deciding whether to add more hexies in whit around it or just applique it to a background. To see more hexies on one flower Wednesday visit Karen .

Happy Stitching

Friday, April 6, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

goodies that have come to live with me.

Since buying my 2 Jim Shore decorations i've been keeping my out for other ones i might like. I spotted this on eBay & thought it came with the decoration in the photo but alas it did not. I'll either have to find a Jim Shore hanging decoration or hang my cardinal on it.
The base is a music box & plays Deck The Halls.

My son rings me on Friday afternoon to ask me if i was still wanting a new laptop. Well yes i am but i wasn't any hurry. He was at a WoW shop & as they went into receivership everything was marked down. So guess who got a new laptop at a very good price. :) We both did actually.
 On the weekend this was delivered to me.
I've been wanting one of these converted singer tables for quite a while. Today my parcel from Shell arrived. Just as i walked back in the gate from an appointment. Talk about good timing. :)
Shell's latest pattern, the felts & threads to make them, threads for another of Shells' patterns & 3 bunny hangers. They are so cute. Also included was the cute little cutout bunnies & 3 yummy lollies. Thankyou Shell.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Easter Goodies.

Today a parcel arrived for me all the way from SA containing the gifties sent to me in our online group Easter Swap. My Angel was Marcia. I opened the post bag to discover this
 then when i opened the parcel i found these
& then discovered all these fabulous goodies
The first thing i opened was the bag & all i kept saying was "it's gorgeous, it's gorgeous". I just love bunnies. Would love a real one but alas we can't have them in Queensland. Good reason to move to another state. hehe. But i digress. I love all the wonderful goodies Marcia sent. Thankyou so much for spoiling me this Easter Marcia.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Swap

My online group had an Easter swap run by the very lovely Maree. Maree has received her gifts so i can show you what i sent.

A Tilda bunny, no photo

 & the candle mat set.
complete with candle.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...