Tuesday, May 29, 2012

winter wonderland swap

The online group i'm in recently had another swap. This time our swap was themed Winter Wonderland. Today my parcel arrived from the lovely Dale.
My lovely wrapped gifties,
Even Bella was interested in what Dale had sent. You know what they say about curious cats Bella.
Love this gorgeous wallhanging.
I shall be warm this winter with the beautiful scarf & socks. Certainly need the coffee today to help warm me up. Not to mentions the yummy choccie. Thanks so much Dale for the gorgeous gifties.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 26, 2012

goodies & a couple of finishes.

Thursday my parcel arrived from the lovely Michelle. When Michelle posted recently about her latest pattern i emailed her & asked to send me what was needed & the stand.
Included was candy & cute little cut-out rabbits.
I traced the pattern yesterday evening & have 2 lines of words embroidered. :) The fabrics Michelle sent are gorgeous.

I have a few finishes. A couple i can't show as they are for a swap. The hexagon butterfly is now a cushion.
Recently Melissa offered a free pattern on her blog. I've turned mine into a pincushion
I used Cottage Garden threads for the embroidery.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, May 25, 2012

1 Christmas Item a Month

Boy the 25th of the month has come around fast again. Luckily for me the project i chose to make this month was a small one.
Cute little Santa Goody Bag by Gail Pan.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Last night was FNSI hosted by Heidi. I made plans for a few things but in the end only 1 project was worked on.
I appliqued the hexagon butterfly to background fabric & will turn it into a cushion.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What i sent for quilter's day swap.

 My partner in Heidi's Quilter's Day swap was O'Faigh. This is what i sent her.
Love this gorgeous doily pattern by Fee. Enjoyed making it so much that i'll have to make one for myself. Included in the gifts were these also.
Notepad set & lavender soap. Recently Loz & i did an exchange of a Jim Shore Christmas ornament. I got the ornament & i sent Loz fabrics & this
Told you i loved making the doily. My daughter tried to take this one but she lucked out. :)

Happy Stitching,

Friday, May 4, 2012

Crazy Patch

Over the last 12 months my friends & i have been participating in a Crazy Patch round robin. My gorgeous blocks arrived back to me Wednesday.
My block is the top left hand corner, next is Martha's, Janet's, Lynda's, Sheila's & Dianne's. Not sure how i'll put them together yet.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Quilter's Day Swap

Recently Heidi ran a Quilter's Day swap in which i participated. A parcel landed on my door step yesterday from Pat. At first i was puzzled as to why Pat was sending me something & when i realised it was from Heidi's swap i had a chuckle.Why you ask ?  Because it was funny that Pat ended up with me in another swap. You see Pat & i were partners in a Christmas swap last year. :)
Pat sent me this gorgeous bag,choccies, cat calender & another bag.
This is the other bag. So cute & handy. I was a bit excited when i got the parcel & forgot to take before shots so i took an after shot of the pretty paper Pat wrapped the goodies in. She knows me well. :)
Purple & polka dots.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...