Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sneak Peek Finishes

I had some finishes yesterday in time for this month's OPAM. Most i can only give you sneak peeks as they are gifts. :)
Pumpkins by Michelle.

Happy Stitching,

Giveaway Winners

I had a dilemma this morning about how best to go about picking the winners. In the end i printed out the comments.

 cut them up,
placed them in the bowls & found my able bodied assistant Poss to draw names,
first drawing was for Quilt A Gift For Christmas
 & was won by Sisbabe. Getting the able bodied assistant Poss to make the 2nd drawer for Stitch It For Christmas
it was won by
Melissa. Congratulations to the winners. I've emailed you both. Thankyou to everyone for entering. Wish i had a gift for you all.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, October 29, 2012

Belated FNSI

I had signed up for FNSI hosted by Heidi but as usual life got in the way. I did make a start on preparation
but had to go out. When i got home i had such a headache i slept most of the afternoon. I did however get these 12 yoyo's made for a project & that's about it.
I was hoping for more but i ended up in bed with a migraine & the stuff in the top photo is still sitting there 2 days later waiting for me to get back to which i'm off to do now. :)

Don't forget to join in my giveaway in the post below if you already haven't. I draw it Wednesday.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Giveaway !!!

Where ? Here !!!. :) I've been blogging for 4 years now & to celebrate i'm giving away these 2 books. I don't believe in rules that make you jump through hoops to win anything so all you have to do is comment here & say which book you want. I'll draw the names on the 31st October.

Happy Stitching,
PS: Please make sure i can contact you if you should win

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1 Xmas Item a Month

Today my 1 Xmas item is these 4 hexagon ornies. Thankyou to our host Narelle for running this every month throughout the year. Drop by Narelle's blog to see what the other elves have made this month. I'll count these as my hexies for One Flower Wednesday which Karen kindly hosts.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Pattern, kit & goodies from Michelle. Recently Peg mentioned on her blog about getting some scissor fobs. They looked so lovely i decided i needed some too. :)

 They arrived in this gorgeous little pink spotted box from Tatyana
I ordered an owl for my daughter & a bunny for me or maybe a gift.
Melissa's new pattern - gorgeous pincushion.
Sewing set by Dawn.
 I have been busy sewing but can't show you a thing. It's all for swap. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, October 15, 2012

Going Bananas

 Recently my local fruit shop had boxes of bananas at a very good price.  I decide to invest in a box. I should have taken a photo before any were eaten &  cooked with as there were lots more than this.
As well as eating them i've been enjoying banana smoothies & cooking lots of yummy things.


banana bread with choc chips,

sour cream banana cake with white chocolate icing

 What's left will be frozen for another time. :)

Happy stitching,

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Decorations & a parcel

After stalking the postie for a few days my parcel finally arrived from Michelle. I was going to say her latest pattern but Michelle posted today another gorgeous pattern. Pop on over & have a look at it here. Michelle's parcels always come wrapped beautifully & are a joy to receive.
& included some lovely extra goodies for me felt, pen for writing/tracing on fabric & of course delicious choccies. Yum.
Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...