Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Giveaway Winners

I had a dilemma this morning about how best to go about picking the winners. In the end i printed out the comments.

 cut them up,
placed them in the bowls & found my able bodied assistant Poss to draw names,
first drawing was for Quilt A Gift For Christmas
 & was won by Sisbabe. Getting the able bodied assistant Poss to make the 2nd drawer for Stitch It For Christmas
it was won by
Melissa. Congratulations to the winners. I've emailed you both. Thankyou to everyone for entering. Wish i had a gift for you all.

Happy Stitching,


Melody said...

Congratulations to the winners.

Sheila said...

Congatulations to the winners. Hugs Sheila

Anonymous said...

congrats to the lucky winners.xx

Kaisievic said...

Congratulations to both your lucky winners.

Melissa Graham said...

Yeah!! I'm so EXCITED!! Congrats to Sisbabe also!! Thanks ladies for the congrats.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Congratulations, ladies!!

Narelle said...

Congratulations to you both! :)

barb's creations said...

Congratulations to both the winners :) Barb.

Bev C said...

Lucky ladies, enjoy your books.

Happy days.

Sisbabestitches said...

Thanks so much for grabbing my name out of your bowl (what a fab system) and congrats to Melissa too. And thanks to everyone generously saying congrats :)
I tried to make this comment yesterday but my internet connection was intermittant with all that wind and then just froze entirely- I suppose it left me more time to be dancing around with the excitement, lol

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