Friday, November 23, 2012

finished .... at last.

All my swaps are finished & now on their way.
This SSCS parcel off to.......? Didn't think i'd tell you did you? :)
Last gifts off to Kaye in Cheryll's Christmas swap.
Off to .......? in an online group swap. Can't tell you this one either. :)
& this is off to Marilyn in Karen's Christmas swap. That's it for this year.

This gorgeous parcel arrived for me this week from Michelle. Lot's of yumminess for me.
Michelle's beautiful new pattern, stand for it, her Folk Art Fusion Valdani threads, felt & oh so yummy chocolate. Thanks Michelle.
Sneak peek of another finish & 2 other finishes i can show you,
Mopsy Bunny,
& a couple more needle cases & scissor fobs,

Happy Stitching,


Kaisievic said...

Oh, you are so good - I am nearly ready to send off all my exchange swaps! Just a couple of finishing touches. Thanks for being my Santa Sack partner this year - it has been so much fun and Xmas Day is going to be extra special now!

Love your Mopsy bunny.

hugs, Kaye

Fiona said...

lots of parcels going out and so that means some should be coming your way... another lovely pattern from Michelle and I love the bunny you made...

Anonymous said...

boy you have been busy,lovely looking swap parcels you are sending out and your bunny is very cute i hope to make some of these after xmas,enjoy your day jeanette.xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Are you sure you are not really working for the chubby bloke in the red suit....gorgeous parcels. I love your sewing.

Sheila said...

As they would say in cape Breton , " no flies on you Jeanette " you sure have been producing these days even if you can't share what is in those packages . Fun package from Michelle too . Hugs Sheila

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

It sure is sticky tape season in your home. Love the bunny,very cute. Lovely needle cases and scissor fobs.

Happy days.

Marilyn said...

Well done on getting all those parcels out and it isnt even December yet. (tho close). My parcel to you will be in the mail next week - just have 1 to finish off.

Sisbabestitches said...

Wow lots of wrapping, your tape dispenser must be getting quite a work out, lol. Looking forward to seeing what you have made :) cute bunny!

Katherine said...

The parcels look great and I love the rabbit too. So many gorgeous little sneak peaks too.

Melody said...

Christmas swaps are so much fun.

Valspierssews said...

I am out of breath just looking at all those parcels. They all look fabulous. The bunny is very cute.

Chookyblue...... said...

lots of christmas parcels prepared........glad to hear your SSCS is on the sleigh.....

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Dag girlfriend! You get so much done. Love that bunny!

Cath Ü said...

Love the needle cases and scissor fobs... cute....
Cath Ü

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