Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Swap Gifts.

Finally Christmas day dawned - 5am i was poked awake . Oh well may as well get up & open all those lovely gifts awaiting me. First up was my Santa Sack from Kaye in the Santa Sack swap hosted by Cheryll. My beautiful sack full of goodies.

My fabulous goodies,
I was so spoilt by Kaye. Thanks so much Kaye for all my fabulous goodies & Cheryll for running the swap. Next sack was from Marilyn in Karen's  Christmas Angels Swap,
& inside was all the wonderful goodies,
Love them all thanks Marilyn. Spoilt again. :) Thanks Karen for running the swap. Next was my present from the SSCS swap run by Chookyblue. This is what Gracie sent me,
Love the colour of the apron. Thanks Gracie for my gifts & to Chookyblue for running the swap. I was sent a little gift from Cheryll for being in her week of showing our Christmas decorations,
Lovely fabrics thanks Cheryll. Our online group did a 6 item swap for Christmas & this is what Kate sent me,
Thanks Kate i love the gifts. Thanks Maree for running the swap. I've surely been spoil this Christmas. Thanks so much for making my Christmas extra special.

Happy Stitching,


barb's creations said...

WOW what a lovely Christmas morning you had opening such special gifts :) Barb.

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful lot of gifts there Jeanette,you will have lots of fun with these.xx

FlourishingPalms said...

Wow! Did you get heaps of Christmas goodies! Looks like you had lots of fun opening them, and I'm sure you'll be enjoying them soon too! Merry Christmas!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh My......Jeanette your gifts are awesome...

Tracy said...

Looks like you will have fun for a while with your wondeful gifts Jeanette. Stitching friends are very generous.

Maria said...

PHEW !!!!! Sew many gorgeous goodies.. No wonder we are all keep sew busy all year sewing...

Julie said...

I'm so surprised you required poking, with those wonderful gifts waiting for you it's a wonder you slept a wink in Christmas Eve.

You lucky, lucky girl!

Marilyn said...

So many lovely swap gifts. You must have had a wonderful time opening them all. I love my swap gifts, will post them as soon as things settle here.

Fiona said...

Hey Jeanette... youi had lots of lovely parcels to open...

Wendyb said...

wow....I can understand why you were gobsmacked Jeanette......WOW!!! xox
sugary hugs
Wendy :O)

Kaisievic said...

So glad that you liked all my gifts - I had so much fun choosing and/or making them all!

Sheila said...

What a wonderful way to wake up on Christmas day , so many gorgeous gifts !Hugs Sheila

Narelle said...

A wonderful collection of goodies and a great way to start the day :)

Chookyblue...... said...

wow so many gifts.........all lovely.........hope you put your apron to good use.......... thanks for being part of the SSCS 2012.......

Anthea said...

Wow Jeanette you must have been a very good girl! Receiving all those lovely gifts. Lovely items for Christmas Seasons to come, and others to use everyday. Great pics x

Teresa said...

Wow... gorgeous gifts Jeanette. That must have been so much fun opening them all! x

Cath Ü said...

Well you certainly must of been good last year to receive all those wonderful items... gorgeous things to play with...
Cath Ü

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