Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lets Celebrate Swap Gift

My lovely parcel arrived yesterday from Lyn, my partner in Mrs Martin's Lets Celebrate swap.
I received a gorgeous purple mug rug, Rum & Raisin Tim Tams & coffee.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, June 28, 2013

1 Xmas Item

Late again this month i know but i've finished the "Christmas" swag.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fruits Of My Labours

Yesterday i spent cooking. I'd been to my Mum's recently & picked up oranges & blood oranges on the way home i bought limes & Tangelos. Then last Thursday i came back from the shops to discover 3 bags of citrus on my door step. Still a mystery as to who left them there. In the bags were lemons, lemonade fruit, limes & Tangelos. I've still got the marmalades/jams to make.
Preserved lemons, Limoncello, blood orange butter & lime butter. Not sure how the preserved lemons will go as it's a new recipe i decided to try.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Let's Celebrate Swap

This month our swap was to make a mug rug & include a yummy recipe. I showed you a sneaky peek last post & Lyn(no blog) has let me know she has received her goodies so i can now show it. Not a good photo i know but my camera has decided to play up.
I included some teabags in the pocket along with Tim Tams & the recipe was for a Caramel Slice.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 17, 2013

Finishes & sneak peeks.

I've made another scrap basket,
2 pincushions,

Showing 4 sides of the 2 pincushions i made for the Stitch-A-Long & the buttons on top.

The other 3 finishes i can only show a sneak peek as the are for swaps.

Time to get a new camera i think. Every photo i took this morning was blurry. I had to use zoom to get clear photos. Very frustrating.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

hexie day

My hexies this week are 1/2" ones for two pincushions i'm making.
I couldn't decide what colour i wanted as i do like the red pincushion but purple is my favourite colour so i'm making 2.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hexie Day

It's been quite a while since i posted about my progress with my Vignette Hexagon quilt. I'm pleased to say i've completed the flowers & have made a start on the embroidered "stepping stones".
I can't remember how many flowers the quilt needed but here is the stack of them.
Lovely flowers all in a row. :)
My start on the embroidery last night. I'd traced out 15 of the needed 59 stones ages ago. I think i got the leaves of 11 done last night. Still a long way to go.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm all caught up.....

...on the stitcheries & applique at least from Fee's hexagon club. I still have to to turn them into hexagons. :) I had 8 months to catch up before month 9 arrives.

1 half of them,
2nd half of them. I discovered, much to my dismay, some of the Cottage Garden Threads i used ran. I'm hoping i can rid them of the dye later on when i've made the hexagons & can wash them.

The rest of my tennis/hostess sets arrived last week.
I didn't realise until i went to take a photo that these pair sit in the opposite direction to my other sets.
Another recent purchase was this
I've been wanting a pressure cooker for quite a while & recently Coles had them for $30. My daughter managed to get the last one at the Coles she works at. Yay for me. I tried the pea & ham soup recipe in the accompanying booklet & although it was tasty felt the ham hock didn't impart enough salt & we weren't keen on the green colour from the peas. I think i'll use the yellow split peas in future like i usually do & maybe add a little salt. Tonight i'm trying the meatball recipe.

Recently Loz posted about a mat for using with hand piecing. Took some finding but i found one.
It's a Matilda's Own non slip design mat. Also comes in A4 & will roll up so you can leave your piecing inside.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...