Saturday, May 3, 2014

Friday Night With Friends.

Last night i joined quite a few ladies in FNwF hosted by the lovely Cheryll. I have a long overdue challenge i needed to get finished so last night i was adding the last 2 bits of applique to it.
1 bird & 1 butterfly. Today it's basting time & hopefully quilting. Pop over to Cherylls to find the links to the ladies who joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,


Kaisievic said...


Kim said...

Lovely work Jeanette

Anonymous said...

you did well jeanette,love the colours.xx

Deb R said...

Always great to finish a UFO, thanks for stitching with me last night :)

Fiona said...

looks really pretty...

Cath said...

Way to go! Always good to move forward with an overdue project. Ask me, I know all too well!
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

Michelle Ridgway said...

Pretty birdies and butterflies. Nice to get a UFO done.

Anita said...

FNwF's certainly helps to get more done on our projects. Great stuff.
Cheers, Anita.

Sheila said...

Is this Lynda's challenge ? If so it is looking great , can't wait to see the finish . Hugs Sheila

Josie said...

Bet you felt very satisfied with yourself last night... I know I would have. It's great finishing something that's been dogging you.
Lovely project too.

Sandra said...

the purple butterflies are gorgeous

Cheryll said...

Well done... I hope the weekend went as planned...and a quilting project is now almost complete.

Janet said...

Isn't it great to get things moving forward. I hope you got to the next steps too.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lovely work Jeanette, it was a good night...

Anthea said...

Very pretty work Jeannette, I can't wait to see the finished item... x

Pinnylea Creations said...

I've popped over from FNWF; love the colours..

Lyn said...

I've also come over from FNWF..hope you managed to get it finished..

Outback Craftaholic said...

Just visiting from FNwF. Looks like lovely project. I hope you managed to get it finished. Cheers, Tracy.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...