Saturday, July 19, 2014


I was here in spirit ladies. Babysitting my GS left little time to work on anything. All i managed was a little embroidery on this lovely little design
Thanks to our lovely hostess Wendy & to what the other ladies worked on last night visit here for links.

Happy Stitching,


KERYN B said...

What a champion for getting even one stitch done - those gran babies make it hard to get anything done lol. You spend so much time just looking and kissing them...

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Well done....time with GS, lucky you....very cute stitcgery...

Fiona said...

we love having little people at FNSI....

Cheryll said...

Even ONE stitch is an accomplishment so well done. AND babysitting is a hard job after so many years in retirement as

Anonymous said...

awesome Jeanette,always good to have the grandies with you,and a little bit is better than none,enjoy your weekend my friend.xx

Cath said...

one stitch or 30, lovely to have you along for FNSI.

Rosie said...

Lovely stitching and design. Little people company is always good!

Melody said...

Looks like one of Michelle's lovely designs.

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

A little goes a long way when it comes to stitching.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely spending time with a grandie xx

Lyn said...

A cute design..

Marilyn said...

Babysitting makes for late starts to stitching so no wonder you managed only a small amount, but it still counts.

Sandra said...

Well done on what you achieved. The little ones certainly do take up a lot of time

Leanne said...

Lovely stitching Jeanette,

Josie said...

Lovely little stitchery Jeanette.. every single stitch is progress. :o) Hope you had fun with your GS.....xx

Sheila said...

Even a few stitches are great on this cute project . Your grandson will only be a baby for a short time so enjoy every minute . Hugs Sheila

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

"Ditto" what Sheila said. ;)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...