Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friday Night With Friends.

Boy 1st of August came around quick. Another great opportunity to sit with Friends & sew hosted by our lovely hostess Cheryll. I spent my evening finishing off buttonhole applique & starting the embroidery on the next blocks for our Gossip In The Garden Stitch Along. Today i'm tackling 15 pieced periwinkle stars. Wish me luck with those. :)
 Newish camera & no matter which scene i select to use the photo's are crap. I have to take heaps in different spots & then pick the best from them. Anyways pop on over to visit Cheryll to see what the other lovely ladies who join FNWF worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Terry said...

That first block sounds just like my garden...and the weeds grew wildly! LOL They both look great! :0)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Sending you hugs of encouragement for those periwinkle stars! You're my heroine today. ;-)
Re: the photos...surround the feature in your photo with White...don't take photos near fly screens...stay with as much clear natural light as possible...roam Pinterest for photography tips. That's just a few, but you'll find heaps to help you when you go hunting. xxx

Fiona said...

lovely blocks.... I think your photo's are fine.. I can see what you sew..

Kim said...

Lovely work Jeantte. Best of luck with the stars.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lovely blocks....

KERYN B said...

Good luck with your stars.. the applique blocks are beautiful..I like your photos makes me feel like we are kindred spirits lol...

Christine said...

I'm intrigued to see your periwinkles. The blocks in the photos look great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,beautiful work well done.xx

apple blossom said...

wonderful starts to beautiful to come finishes. ;P

Maria said...

lovely blocks Jeanette and have fun with your Periwinkle Star.

Cath said...

Sounds like you were very industious for FNWF.....and yes, doesn't it ever come around quickly!

Cheryll said...

Time is flying by isn't any progress is rewarding! Thanks for joining in...:)

Rosie said...

Grat blocks, hoping the stars went well.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...