Friday, January 23, 2015

Natures Journey

I'd planned to make Anni Down's new quilt, Natures Journey, this year on my own but when Chookyblue announced it as her choice for this years stitch a long i was so excited. Makes it so much easier to stay on track with others stitching along. My pattern finally arrived after an issue which left me not very happy. I'd bought some shirtings as backgrounds but not knowing the sizes needed didn't buy enough. So i've ordered more & a 4th piece from the same shop. Needing 6 pieces i found 2 cream/blue pieces in another shop & they've been ordered. Now to find something i like for the pink based backgrounds. I bought a fat 1/4 pack of Astor Manor for no particular reason & when it arrived yesterday thought it would be great for Natures Garden. My plan had been to use repro/civil war fabrics like i did for Gossip In The Garden last year
Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

great timing for the stitchalong.... lovely fabrics...

Jo Potter said...

Hi Jeanette,
It is great to see you are starting the New Year with a wonderful new sewing project. Your collection of fabrics are lovely. The natures journey quilt sounds and looks great!
Happy sewing this year. I will look forward to seeing your quilt in progress.
Warmest wishes,
Jo. xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette oh this is going to be awesome,I look forward to following your journey with this one my friend xx

Chookyblue...... said...

those fabrics are going to be so nice.......

marina said...

lovely fabrics, looking forward to seeing your progress..

Cheryll said...

Perfect ! I hope you find all the pieces of fabric you need.
I'll watch from the sidelines on this one. :)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Very nice

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