Thursday, March 19, 2015

Working with felt.

Recently some friends started making come cute little ornaments from felt. Curiosity got the better of me so i investigated & just had to have one.
This arrived several weeks ago & Tuesday night i finally got started.
Finished Santa yesterday then started on
Since he was finished thought i may as well continue on & got this one made
There is also a pink present which is half done but i called it quits & went to bed.

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

They are just so very cute. Love the wreath & it's attachments...
I'm waiting to get one for me too.

Fiona said...

these are so lovely and I am enjoying watching everyone else come into being....

Helen said...

Great Jeanette so glad you joined in the felt

Cheryl said...

They are so very cute Jeanette

Binsa said...

Hi Jeanette, loved seeing your felt work. Kind Regards, O'faigh

Kate said...

These are so cute!

Katherine said...

Very cute! Will look stunning on the xmas tree.

Raewyn said...

These ornaments are gorgeous - I can see why you were tempted to make some too! I enlarged the photo and see it makes a wreath - beautiful!

Anthea said...

Fab felt fun there Jeanette... I hope you enjoy the rest of the makings x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette you are doing so well with yours, it's lots of fun seeing the felt xx

Maureen Clare said...

Curiosity is such a trouble maker. Like you I couldn't resist either although I am still waiting for my package to arrive....another project to keep me

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