Sunday, May 31, 2015

Saturday Sewing

No sewing like i'd hoped. Too busy cooking cakes for morning tea for Sunday Stitcher's. What i did get finished though is this,
& made a start on this stitchery by Rosalie Quinlan
 Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Week In Stitching

I've been working on another Christmas stitchery from Natalie Bird,
but decided to take a break & get back to In My Garden also by Natalie Bird
finished this stitchery that was half done for a couple of months & started this one
I've joined another Bonnie & Camille sampler swap online & our first blocks were due to go our this month. Eeeek nearly end of May & blocks haven't been done so Tuesday was spent sewing &7n the mail Wednesday.
They are called Tumbleweeds. Yesterday i spent sewing & joined Chookyblue's sewing weekend celebrating her Chookshed. Hopefully i'll get more sewing done today after cooking cake to take to tomorrow's Sunday Stitchers. These are what i worked on yesterday
Jolly Santa by Natalie Bird &
This Vintage stitchery by Gail Pan. It's almost a finish. Just need a motif for the top corner & a nice frame to put it in. Not happy with these photo's. I think i'll chuck that camera & get a new one.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 23, 2015

My Week

I had a busy week catching up on a few things & 1 finish. Monday i caught up on the blocks for my 6" sampler
& now i have 2 more to do as they were posted yesterday. :)
Did my May blocks for Natures Journey,
finished this darn wreath finally. Drove me up the wall. :) Not happy with it but i'm over it.
Completed the stitchery i started last Friday - 15th,
& this stitchery/applique as well that i started back in February at a tutorial day with Natalie Bird.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Friday Night Sew In.

I'd planned to have a day of sewing & even got out the slow cooker so i wouldn't have to worry about preparing a meal at days end. But that plan went out the window. Oh the slowcooker was on just the sewing didn't eventuate. I woke late, it was freezing cold & i just couldn't get motivated so i read instead. About lunch time i traced a stitchery out that has been begging me for days to start it. I was trying to resist as i've so many other things to finish. After tracing the stitchery out i decided to do a little re-arranging in my bedroom to accommodate my sewing machine in there rather than the kitchen table. Now i just need a cutting table to set up.
The little bit of stitchery i managed last night. Thankyou Wendy for be our lovely hostess again last night. Click on Wendy's name to take you to the links for what the other ladies who joined up worked on last night.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Help Please

First of all a big thankyou again to all the lovely ladies who sent blocks for my 50th birthday quilt. I ended up with 48 with a few ladies sending 2 or 3.

First photo is all the blocks together with no sashing & adding 2 borders.
Also maybe a 7 by 7 plan rather than 8 by 6. I just need to add another block.

Second photo is with a 1" sashing, cornerstones & border followed by a wider border.
i've used a cream ton on tone but thinking maybe another coloured fabric. So suggestions please as to which layout. If you choose 2nd layout vote for cream or another colour.

Thanks in advance.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Friday Night with Friends.

My FNwF started early in the day. I traced out Jenny's new stitchery from her lovely Vintage Kitchen BOM & Wendy's lovely free BOM. As it was a cold & rainy afternoon i spent it stitching & watching Steel Magnolias & Philadelphia. The result ?
Whilst stitching my dinner of pea & ham soup was cooking away in the slow cooker. Perfect dinner for a cold evening. :) After tea it was back to my wreath. Boy those holly leaves take some doing.
Those 5 finished ones get added to the 6 i did Thursday night. I cut out what remained of the light green leaves ready to stitch today/night & hopefully i'll get a start on the dark green leaves. Maybe i'll have a finished wreath by next week, :)

Pop on over to our lovely host Cheryll to find links to see what all the other lovely ladies got up to last night.

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...