Saturday, July 25, 2015

My Week

Sunday night i worked on my TAW
Slowly getting there. Checked out how many rows in this part of the challenge & had to cut out 5 more rows. I did that during the week.
Monday night saw me getting onto July's Natures Journey SAL finally.
Just leaves & stems that night.

Tuesday night more Natures Journey
More stems, leaves, then the 3 flowers.

Wednesday saw me sewing this little bag together.
Front view
back view. Then onto cutting out & pressing prairie points for a ufo
110 of them. The quilt is edged with the points but i didn't want to finish my quilt that way. It was bought as a kit but i managed to fin some fabric that would match to add a border that the points will sit on.

Wednesday night more Natures Journey
basket, bird, bee, flower & circle added. Pretty slow going with this block. Yes there is a bee on there. It's on the stem to the right under the purple flower. It kinda blends into the background fabric. :(

Thursday night back to the last of the Natures Journey
bird, butterfly, flower & dragonfly added then the embroidery done & it's a finish.

Friday i added the peeper border to the block
It's not really wavy. I just was excited to have the block done i didn't press it again. lol.

Friday night back to TAW. Pink row done & onto the next.
& now i'm off out. Going to Faeries In My Garden shop & then onto lunch with Sunday Stitchers & a couple of bloggers.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Friday Night Sew In was a failure

Well there wasn't any sewing for me. Friday morning i woke to a niggly head & knew i'd be in bed with a migraine by lunch & that's where i've been since then. All i've got to show is what i worked on during the week.

Sunday i went sewing with some very lovely friends

& worked on these. I've since finished the blue row on TAW & started a pink row.

During the week i worked on this
& it's a finish
my Christmas stitchery is also a finish
Not a lot done this week due to the cold.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, July 17, 2015

50th Birthday quilt

After getting the top together i sent it to Fabulous Fiona who kindly said she'd quilt it for me. The top arrived back Tuesday & i spent sometime Wednesday adding the binding. Not a good day to pick as it was freezing that day & i could hardly hold the quilt despite wearing gloves. The cold affected the arthritis something shocking.
Out door shot so you can see the colour of the border better.
And some close ups.

Fiona did a wonderful job. Each block has it's own custom quilting & feathers in the border. Love feathers. Thankyou ever so much Fiona. Thankyou again to all who sent me blocks to make my fabulous memory quilt of turning 50.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 11, 2015

My Busy Week

Sunday saw me making washing detergent
then a lemon meringue pie
Monday i was finally back to the sewing machine to the red & black quilt
last 4 blocks made. Still time to sew & the borders were added.The quilt isn't big enough for a queen bed now. It was for a double when i first got the fabrics many years ago.

 Tuesday saw the black borders being added. But guess what? Still not big enough. Luckily i bought more fabric a couple of weeks back on the off chance i'd need it.
Wednesday the final borders added. I'm sure hoping so as i'm kinda sick of this quilt.
After lunch i put together this little hanging
made the background for Natures Journey & prepared some of the applique.
Wednesday night i finished this stitchery
& started work on the little birdie wallhanging.
Thursday i didn't have time for any stitching except at night & go this far with the birdies.
Friday i went back to finishing the last bits of applique needed for Natures Journey
& that was it as i had my GS to babysit all afternoon & most of the night. Now i'm off to a quilt show run by some friends. See you all here next week with my adventures.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, July 5, 2015

My week

Not a lot of stitching happening here. I got the cleaning bug whilst we had some warm weather & gave the kitchen & lounge a thorough cleaning. Paid for it pain wise the next day. :(. 2 of my children said to me "it's not spring yet".

I did get this little stitchery done
number 7 in Jenny's lovely BOM A Vintage Kitchen.

Had a cook up in the kitchen yesterday. I started with lemon butter
2 batches netted me 5 jars. Then i made soap
I'm not sure if the weather is affecting it but it doesn't seem to be hardening up quickly like it usually does or maybe i didn't beat it enough. Guess i'll have to wait & see. Next on my list was to make ricotta cheese.
It turned out lovely. I've kept the whey for other uses. Whislt i was waiting for the curds to form & cool i made buttermilk scones for afternoon tea.
Served with strawberry jam & cream

I did stitch last night, i worked on the stitchery in my previous post.

Today i'm making lemon meringue pie.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 4, 2015


It was too cold yesterday to do much of anything. I did do some embroidery during the afternoon & evening.
My stitchery is half done now. Pop over to lovely hostess Cheryll's blog for links to see what other crafters got up to last night.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...