Monday, August 31, 2015

Just a little sewing

I'd gotten behind on Wendy's BOF & had blocks 6, 7 & 8 traced out. The weekend before last i got back into it & completed those 3.
Now to get number 9 traced & stitched. :)

August has just rushed by me & i had 2 blocks to get made for the Bonnie & Camille sampler swap. This time around each of us was assigned a partner to send a gift to & the sewing part of that gift need to be done too.
My blocks which were posted off in time
& a few things i made to add to what i was sending my partner.

Lastly i need to get part 7 of Natures Journey done. Friday I cut & sewed the pink & brown borders & prepared 46 squares for applique. I had 2 rows done by Saturday night & yesterday at Sunday Stitchers completed the last 2 rows.
I'd better make an early start on part 8 as there is a lot of work to do.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Friday Night Sew In

I started this stitchery several months ago but put it aside to work on other things. During the week i started back at it. Last night all that was left was satin stitch which i completed.
Now to find border fabric for it.

I've 3 of the last 4 of Wendy's free BOF traced out for quite a while. They got an airing last night to start on.
Pop over to our lovely host Wendy to the links to see what everyone who joined in last night worked on.

Not a lot of sewing for me this week but i did put those rejected prairie points(see previous blog post) turned back into squares, into a quilt.
I took it to my LQS & found a lovely border fabric to match.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A little Sewing

I started out the week feeling keen to sew. Maybe my mojo was finally reappearing & i was happy. I've had a quilt top that was half done for the last year & i'd prepared the prairie points a couple of weeks back & then lost interest. Tuesday i laid the quilt out & counted out the 29 i'd need for 1 side. Laying them out & adjusting them was getting annoying & i thought "bugger it, i'll just add the extra border i wanted without the prairie points". There was 110 points & i figured i'd be there hours pinning & adjusting.
Very hard to get a decent photo. The original pattern finished with prairie points at the narrow border but i hate having to try & bind them so i found material that matched the kit fabrics & added it.
I took a close-up so that some of the stitcheries showed up. I don't know how many photo's i took inside & outside trying to get decent shots. The prairie points i ironed flat & started to make into a 4 patch quilt but my health had other ideas. So very little sewing again this week.
I've worked on the red border this week as i was able. Challenge part 2 is almost done. Just in time for Sunday Stitchers at the end of August. Now onto Natures Journey.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Friday Night with Friends

I wasn't sure if i'd be able to sew last night as i knew i'd be tired out from spending the day at the Brisbane Ekka. Lovely day out where i met a new friend.
He's the strong silent type. :) I didn't find the quilt display anywhere despite wandering around the building where they where supposed to be. I saw a lot of lovely fine arts & animals though.
I worked on my TAW last night. This is where i was up to before sewing last night.
 I finished the white row & then i had to mark seam lines on 64 squares. I had a helper but...... you can see she decided to stretch out & sleep instead.
I did manage to get a few of the next row added before bed time called.

Pop over to lovely host Cheryll to find the links to who joined in last night & what they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...