Saturday, August 15, 2015

A little Sewing

I started out the week feeling keen to sew. Maybe my mojo was finally reappearing & i was happy. I've had a quilt top that was half done for the last year & i'd prepared the prairie points a couple of weeks back & then lost interest. Tuesday i laid the quilt out & counted out the 29 i'd need for 1 side. Laying them out & adjusting them was getting annoying & i thought "bugger it, i'll just add the extra border i wanted without the prairie points". There was 110 points & i figured i'd be there hours pinning & adjusting.
Very hard to get a decent photo. The original pattern finished with prairie points at the narrow border but i hate having to try & bind them so i found material that matched the kit fabrics & added it.
I took a close-up so that some of the stitcheries showed up. I don't know how many photo's i took inside & outside trying to get decent shots. The prairie points i ironed flat & started to make into a 4 patch quilt but my health had other ideas. So very little sewing again this week.
I've worked on the red border this week as i was able. Challenge part 2 is almost done. Just in time for Sunday Stitchers at the end of August. Now onto Natures Journey.

Happy Stitching,


KERYN B said...

Jeanette both of your quilts are really beautiful, I especially like the stitchery one. Good on you for nearly getting it finished. Sorry to hear you were unwell, hope you are on the mend.x

Cheryll said...

Oh Nooo... I hope you feel better Jeanette...ASAP.
Lovely quilt & I can understand how tedious adding the prairie points would be if you feel unwell. It looks fantastic the way it is... so enjoy it.
Love the way the other one is coming together too. xox

Susan said...

Any sewing time is good...and progress...The stitchery quilt looks really pretty...

Fiona said...

That looks a really pretty quilt... I find it so hard getting a true reflection of colours... I hope you are feeling better for the weekend..

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