Monday, November 30, 2015

Last Week

Not a lot of crafting happened last week as the weather was just to hot. Sunday i made a tablerunner &  then i spent Tuesday quilting it.
It's quite large & i had difficulty in getting a decent photo of it. it was a Secret Santa gift at our Sunday Stitchers.

Also on Tuesday i cut out a pile of scraps ready to make pineapple table runners.
The result on Wednesday:
1 & 1/2 table runners done.

Even at night it's been too hot to stitch so little progress has been made on my owls. Most of what has been done since i last posted was done yesterday at Sunday Stitchers.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 21, 2015


I actually managed to join in yesterday for change. :) I started early. I backed, quilted & bound a gift.
Can't show it all as it is a Secret. Hand sewed the binding down last night.

 I'd finished 3 stitcheries from my previous post during the week so i cut the felt for those & started stitching them together last night.
On a roll i cut out fabrics for a table runner but that is where it ends. I had a little visitor & by they time they left it was too hot to sew.
I'm going to sew it together today.

During the week i caught up on  my  pineapple blocks as well. Big marathon sewing day Tuesday.
I was here at lunch time.
& all the coloured rows added by about 9 pm. There is a lot of work there for 70 blocks. The plain row can be chain pieced which  makes it so much faster.

 Wednesday saw me adding the "ears" & 2 blocks together.

I started stitching my owls during the week too.

Pop over to our lovely hostess Wendy to find links to who joined in  last night.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 14, 2015

What i've been up to.

I didn't post last week due to illness & then being away for the weekend. I finished the dinosaurs the week before & my GS loves them.
weird little critters.

I've gotten behind on my pineapple quilt.
I should've had another coloured row added here.

 This last week i've gotten the coloured row added but i'm now 2 rows behind my SIL. I need to add them by next Wednesday so we can add the rabbit ears & start sewing blocks together.
I've been doing embroidery at night. Started with this deer
but i've  put it aside for these stitcheries which i need for  a present
During the week when i prepared these i also prepared these owl stitcheries for my daughters present.
 Crappy shot. Tried several times to get a good photo. They are iron on transfers that didn't go very dark & it's a dull wet day.

These already were ironed on, i just added the stabiliser at the back ready to start stitching.
Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...