Monday, November 30, 2015

Last Week

Not a lot of crafting happened last week as the weather was just to hot. Sunday i made a tablerunner &  then i spent Tuesday quilting it.
It's quite large & i had difficulty in getting a decent photo of it. it was a Secret Santa gift at our Sunday Stitchers.

Also on Tuesday i cut out a pile of scraps ready to make pineapple table runners.
The result on Wednesday:
1 & 1/2 table runners done.

Even at night it's been too hot to stitch so little progress has been made on my owls. Most of what has been done since i last posted was done yesterday at Sunday Stitchers.
Happy Stitching,


Terry said...

I love your star runner! :0)

KERYN B said...

Lot's of lovely sewing there..especially love the runner.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,wow your work is amazing my friend,you have been so busy,good to see your sewing mojo is back,well done Jeanette xx

Maria said...

Gorgeous Star Tablerunner. Great progress with your other projects.

Cheryl said...

Love your runner Jeanette and those pineapple blocks will look stunning when finished

Sheila said...

Love the runner Jeanette and I really love those pineapple blocks ! Hugs Sheila

Raewyn said...

I love both table runners! I haven't tried pineapple blocks yet, must have a play, they look so good :-)

FNSI February

I had a nice early start to my day. First thing to do was get out the scrap basket of blues to make this months RSC blocks. Fabrics chosen t...