Saturday, December 5, 2015

Friday Night With Friends.

Sadly not a lot happened on my Friday night stitching. Or during my week for that matter, :(
All i managed last night was to finish off the leaves on the owl stitchery & start a new one.

Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll for links to see what everyone got up to last night.

Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

those are very sweet owls... any little bit of stitching is progress...

Sisbabestitches said...

Hey you were there, I saw you lol, and you stitched too! After all how many go to a stitching day and come home with aching jaw (from talking and smiling) and sore ribs (from laughing) with few stitches actually stitched ;) I hope your weekend is more restful :)

Michelle Ridgway said...

Very, very cute owls Jeanette.

KERYN B said...

Cute owls Jeanette..

Leanne said...

Your stitchery is very sweet.

Maria said...

Love you Owls Jeanette

Linda in Arkansas said...

You may not feel you did much, but every little bit gets you towards your goal. And you did finish the first one! And they are such cute little owls!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,sorry i think i missed this post,your little stitchery is gorgeous,well done xx

Allie-oops Designs said...

Those owls are darling! I haven't been doing much stitching either - you're too hot, and I'm too cold, I can't stay awake! I want to stay in my cozy bed, lol! And I don't dare take a needle in there with me...

Käthe said...

Ach wie niedlich !
Happy stitching !
Liebe Grüße

Cath said...

hey! every stitch you take is stitch in the right direction! love those owls.

FNSI February

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