Monday, February 29, 2016

A small finish

Some more Christmas ornaments to add to my collection.

Happy stitching,

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gail Pan Stitching Weekend

Saturday I set off to spend a fun filled weekend with Gail. When we arrived we were greeted with this lovely package
then we spent the day stitching this lovely pattern.
I nearly got all 3 done. :) The 2 pattern cards were also included in the package.

  Sunday were greeted by this beautiful package
And the day was spent stitching this gorgeous Christmas design

Gail had many of her fabulous designs on display

I won this kit that Gail generously donated
And the goodies I bought

I had the best time over the weekend in fabulous company. 
 Thankyou Gail for the fabulous workshop & to Maree for organising the weekend.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 20, 2016

FNSI - February

My project of choice to work on yesterday was the first 2 blocks from The Splendid Sampler
Hearts All A Flutter by Pat Sloan.
Wings by Jane. I had chosen a range of fat 1/4's for the project but yesterday decided that i would use up my Bonnie & Camille scraps.

Last night i added a few stitches to this
The 9th Brutus. It was a free BOM several years ago by Red Brolly called Catalicious. I only had 3 left to stitch but i just put it aside & never finished it. My aim this year is to get those UFO"s finished. :)

Thankyou Wendy for being our lovely hostess again. Pop over here to find links to who all worked on projects yesterday.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I'm off on an adventure

Not a lot of sewing happening here. I won't bore you with the why's of it. But i'm off tomorrow on an adventure. I'll be getting on this
at about 6:30 am. Need to up at 4: 30 am. Not looking forward to that. :). Then i'll be attending this in the afternoon
Looking forward to this so much. Monday i'll be spending visiting places in Melbourne & then flying back about lunchtime Tuesday.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...