Saturday, March 5, 2016

Friday Night With Friends March

My project i chose to work on last night is a UFO. I'm not sure how many years back i started it - maybe 4. It's Tail Feathers by Natalie Lymer.
I finished the applique bird plus the embroidered bird & managed to start the tree block before bedtime. This is set 7. Each large block is made up of 3 small blocks so i've 10 little blocks left & i can't remember if i've done the 4 applique birds for the corners. Time to get this UFO done & dusted though i do have older ones i should be finishing. They are all on my list & i discovered it's a bigger list than i thought.

Pop over to visit our lovely host Cheryll for the links to visit to see what everyone else got up to last night.

Happy stitching,


Cheryll said...

That's a wonderful it.
And doesn't it feel good when you get a UFO marked off the list. xox

Melody said...

I remember when this project was around and everyone was stitching it. So glad you are going to finish yours, it is delightful.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Its a sweet design Jeanette. Well done on your progress.

Sheila said...

You made great progress , it will be all finished before you know it . Hugs

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

Whats old is new again, your birdy project will be stitched up in no time. Good luck with the list.

Happy days.

Susan said...

It's scary when you make a list isn't it?? - this one is going well though.

Anthea said...

Jeanette - just keep working on this one - if you put it away in favour of the older ones, it will remain a ufo even longer - you could try create a personal record by progressively working on your youngest ufo's, then the oldest one last!!

Karen's Korner said...

Such sweet blocks. Looking forward to seeing the end result.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful did well. ..good luck with the ufo's.

Cheryl said...

A very cute project Jeanette

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Hello FNwF sister! What an adorable bird! You're making great progress on this one! Congrats.

FlashinScissors said...

Hi Jeanette, Visiting you from FNwF - my first FN. Its such a sweet pattern, and you are getting on really well!
It's great to start on those UFOs, isn't it! I'm sure it won't be long before you have it finished!
Barbara x

Fiona said...

such a prett quilt

Binsa said...

Hi Jeanette I love that pattern regards Lyn

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...