Saturday, April 9, 2016

My stitching week

I've been trying to get my ufo's under control & also stitcheries that have been traced out for some time. That's the handwork. Slowly succeeding. No if i could only summon the enthusiasm to sit at the machine & completely finish them.
Free stitchery from Lynette. That done i finally got back to stitching blocks from In My Garden by Natalie Bird.

Started the 2nd to last big block last night
There are 6 small ones left after that.

Now there seems to be an issue with Blogger & i've complained but have received no reply. Seems that for some blogs i comment on the blog owner isn't getting notifications so they have no idea i've commented unless they check the comment part of their blogs. I've tired changing my email attached to my blog account & it made no difference. I'm not the only one this is happening to. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Happy Stitching,


Sheila said...

Lovely stitching Jeanette , you do beautiful embroidery. I have that problem as wellc with some comments never showing up in my email .

Maria said...

You are make great progress with your UFO stitcheries Jeanette.
I must check and see if I am having that problem with blogger too...
Hope it's fixed soon.

Allie said...

You really have been busy, girl, what lovely work you're doing!!! You're not the only one that's happening to, btw, I have two long-time readers who always comment, but they're not showing up in my inbox. They can't figure it out either.

Allie said...

And DUH, I read your blog as you WERE the only one it was happening to - sorry, tired brain tonight!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Great stitching Jeanette! What a pain....hope it is resolved soon x

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

So many wonderful projects 💖💖

KERYN B said...

Getting the stitching done is a huge achievement just pile them next to the machine so they are ready to go when you are.

Cheryl said...

Some gorgeous stitcheries there Jeanette

Anthea said...

Lovely work Jeanette... I'm sure you'll get around to fully finishing them soon... lets hope Blogger gets fixed!

Fiona said...

great to be getting through the UFO's.... blogger has these glitches sometimes....

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette.
I am not getting an email saying that you have posted I just happened to see the comment on my blog,so I am sorry if I miss them my friend,I hope it fixes for you soon
Boy you have been some beautiful work there,well done xx

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