Monday, June 6, 2016

Chookshed party Sunday sewing

I put together some owl stitcheries i was working on end of last year. I was supposed to be an Xmas present now it will be a birthday present next month.
Next project i'd started the stitcheries about 2 years ago & then finished them earlier this year.
First 3 blocks of Tail Feathers

I finished the hearts last night of the quilt from the last post.
Applique from The Guest House By Sue Daley. The quilt is way smaller than it should be due to the blocks not being cut properly when i bought it as a BOM. Tried to take photo outside but it's so windy this was the best i could get. The close ups below i took on my bed.

Well i had fun joining in with Chookyblue to celebrate her Chook Shed's birthday & achieved a fair bit of sewing.

Happy Stitching,


Allie-oops Designs said...

Oh my goodness - such eye candy here today! Love that red and white, well just everything hon. You do beautiful work!!!!

Binsa said...

Very productive...lovely work

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette ,wow you were amazing. You achieved quite a lot ,well done on your beautiful work xx

Raewyn said...

Wow you are really getting through a lot of UFOs and longer term projects - they are all looking really good! (The Trip Around The World is beautiful too - I'm not sure how patient I would be to tackle a totally handsewn project like that!).

Fiona said...

you are really working through the UFOs well.. I love the tailfeathers quilt...

Maria said...

Looks like a fun filled weekend and very productive too...

Karen's Korner said...

A very productive time was had at your place during the party.

Michelle Ridgway said...

So many beautiful projects Jeanette. You are powering through your ufos x

Cheryl said...

Loved all the gorgeous projects you worked on on Sunday Jeanette. Some lovely finishes

Josie said...

Looks like you didn't waste a minute of party time at the weekend Jeanette. Love those little owl stitcheries and Tailfeathers is so pretty. Wow... I bet the Guest House quilt has been a challenge with the blocks being smaller. I'm imagining you doing battle with some really tiny applique pieces. Looks great though and well worth the effort. Have

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I love Tail Feathers! Your quilt will be beautiful, Jeanette!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...