Saturday, September 3, 2016

FNwF September

Last night i joined in FNSI. Boy did September's sew in arrive darn fast i could hardly believe it when Cheryll's post popped up the other day. I worked on my hexagon quilt. It's slow going but it's getting there. Only 8 more rows of each to go. I managed to get row 5 finished, add the embroidered hexagons then start row 6 last night.
Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Cheryll to find links to see what everyone's projects were.

Happy Stitching,


Chookyblue...... said...

your doing great joining it together........what size hexies did you use.........

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,wow this is coming along beautifully ,i am loving your colours,well done my friend xx

Maria said...

You are doing sew well with the lovely quilt... Each time I see it I pretend I don't have one tucked away in a box to do.....

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

What a gorgeous spring garden you are sewing.

happy days.

Catherine - Hillview Embroidery said...

What a great quilt this will be! Such beautiful fabrics.

Catherine - Hillview Embroidery said...

What beautiful colours and fabrics! This is going to look fabulous when you finish it!

Allie-oops Designs said...

Just love this hon, the colors are so cheerful - it must be great fun to work on!

Karen's Korner said...

Such colourful hexies. Nice work.

Susan said...

Making great progress Jeanette.

Cheryl said...

You are going so well with your hexagon quilt Jeanette - it's looking amazing

The Sloan Patch said...

Looking awesome...

Fiona said...

I love the look it's making sewn together....

Michelle Ridgway said...

Such pretty hexies Jeanette xx

Deb R said...

Tis looking gorgeous Jeanette...just keep stitching lol

Raewyn said...

Your hexies are looking great and growing well! I'm with you, where do the days go?!

Binsa said...

Hi Jeanette loved seeing your progress I love making hexagon flowers

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...