Saturday, October 15, 2016

My Sewing Week

I finished off my Christmas stitchery. Breathed a big sigh of relief when the last stitch went into the dreaded satin stitch.
Needs an ironing. lol. :) Then i needed to find a project to work on as i had none prepared or really fancied anything that might still need to be finished. I found this little cross stitch up
Forgot to press it before gluing it into the card. :(. That is what being exhausted does to you. The brain doesn't want to work. Next i found a Christmas kit i purchased years ago.
Finished these little cuties last night. Now to find another project to work on.

Happy Sewing,


Pamela said...

Looks like you are ready for Christmas! I really like the little mittens.

Fiona said...

I love them all.... which reminds me I have some mittens somewhere to do


marina said...

What a great week of festive stitching!
All beautiful projects

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette wow you achieved a lot my friend,well done and i love those mittens xx

Chookyblue...... said...

great stitching.....the mittens are so cute..........

Sheila said...

Lots of cute stitching , just love the mittens 😊

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lovely you have been busy 💖💖

Kaisievic said...

Wow! You have been so very busy. Lots of lovely Christmas gifts, there.

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

How cute are those little mittens, wonderful to have a few finishes under your belt.

Happy days.

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous finishes Jeanette. You always have something lovely on the go

Anthea said...

Oh satin stitch can be a beast, well done it looks great Jeanette!

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