Saturday, January 7, 2017

FNwf January

I started these stitcheries before Christmas but put them aside to finish working on a Christmas stitchery that i'd also started sometime in December. I finished this one last night & the matching one earlier in the week.
Unfortunately despite my precautions the thread ran. :(

Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll's blog to find links to see what everyone got up to last night

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

good morning my lovely friend,what a shame the thread ran.
your stitched piece is lovely so i hope it can be fixed,hope you have a lovely weekend Jeanette xx

Fee said...

Oh Bugger ! That's the trouble with some of the darker colours in particular brands they don't play fairly ! I hope you can use a stain catcher or something to fix it. Too many loving hours of stitching there to lose. Hope your Christmas break was special. Hugs, fee xx

Cheryll said...

Don't ya just hate when that happens...
Thanks for joining in FNwF though... xox

Pamela said...

It looks nice anyway.

Karen's Korner said...

How annoying. Such a cute stitchery.

Chookyblue...... said...

What sort of that is it........ Very frustrating.....

Sharm said...

Nice bit of stitching

Anne Ida said...

Lovely stitching, and it looks great, even if a bit pink around the edges :-)

Kaisievic said...

Very sweet, I cannot see where the threads ran - it looks lovely to me - and now you have a head start on Christmas 2017!

Fiona said...

so annoying when the thread runs.....

Michelle Ridgway said...

It is a lovely piece. I hope a colour catcher works for you xx

Michell said...

Thread running is annoying. Lovely stitchery though

Narelle said...

Lovely piece Jeanette x

Quiltingchemist said...

Beautiful stitching!

Susan said...

I am assured that a Colour Catcher will remove runs. Inca tried it on an older table topper where the red had run - in the laundry aisle.

Raewyn said...

Shame about the thread colour run - that is such a lovely stitchery. HOpe you can fix the problem...

Hearts & a finish

 I have joined in with Kathleen Tracy to make 14 hearts for the next 14 days. T hese little hearts aren't about just about Valentines da...