Saturday, July 15, 2017

catching up

I've gotten behind with a Christmas sew along. Last week i tried to get to the machine to catch up & manged to get 2 lots of blocks done.
I wasn't happy with these blocks so this week completely remade them.These are version 2.

So many half square triangles. That was it for another week & i'm still so far behind.

During the week i started this stitchery

A new Christmas one by Natalie Bird.

During the evenings i've been working on Mischief. I end up with aching fingers due to my osteo & whilst sewing row 1 & 2 together i tried flat back stitching. It is a little slow going but my fingers don't ache like they do if i whip stitch pieces together.
Row 3 nearly done. I am getting faster at the flat back. :).

Wednesday i managed time at my machine but because i remade the pinwheel blocks only 1 set of blocks was caught up on.
Still 2 sets of blocks to make & the bow week was to be started this week. I'm hoping to catch up on Monday.
Yesterday afternoon i prepped 47 coffins for my quilt.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette boy you sure have been busy,so many beautiful projects on the go,you have done well ,hope you have a lovely weekend my friend xx

marina said...

what pretty blocks... I even like the ones before you remade them.
great stitchery too.
the little coffins look great, are you stash busting or are they a range of fabrics.
Happy sewing!

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Lots of lovely sewing happening. I also started the Xmas hanger. Love it being one colour .

Julie said...

Hi Jeanette, it still looks like you have achieved heaps to me ....I love all your creations this week. That Natalie Bird stitchery looks gorgeous ... I do love her patterns. Wishing you a creative week xxx

Pamela said...

Nice progress on all of your projects!

Narelle said...

Block by sweet block ... you'll get there 😊

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

You've done well with your catching up.. love the new stitchery you started too :) xx

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