Saturday, December 8, 2018

FNwF December

Last night i joined in the final Friday night sew in for 2018. Goodness hard to believe another year has flown on by & we'll soon be in 2019. Thankyou to our hostess Cheryll. I sewed along with 13 other lovely ladies.

First thing i did was to trim & turn back the 1/4" seam ready to applique.

Next i made binding

I had hoped to cut out a felt project but had to lie down for a while due to back issues. :(

Last night i did the applique
All the blocks for Send My Love bom are completed. Just in time for Gail Pan's new bom for 2019 which will be all about Christmas. Can't wait to start that one.

Last week this quilt arrived back from Fiona & i managed to get the binding sewn completely down last night. Thankyou Fiona for the wonderful quilting you've done.
Pattern was from joypatches many years ago. I started the blocks & it was put aside. Then a year or so ago i got stuck into it, finished the blocks & made the top up.  I'm so happy it's finally made it to the finish line.

Pop over to Cheryll's to see who all joined in last night & the projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, December 3, 2018

Snow Happy Hearts.

I didn't get Novembers done as time just seem to race by. Yesterday i prepped both November & December blocks & stitched them last night. So happy i managed to mostly keep up & now they are all done.



Now to figure out how i want to put it together.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Christmas decorating

Yesterday was the designated decorating day. In my house it's the first Saturday after my birthday or the 1st of December, whichever comes first & yesterday they both happened to be the same day. :)

Found some space along the hallway today to hang 2 more decorations. :)

I wish i had room to hang all my decorations. :) I don't usually do the hall but this year i did so my bigger hangings could be on display. Sadly my 2 real big ones still can't be hung as i've not a large enough wall space.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Fat 1/4 birthday swap.

I joined Cheryll again this year in the fat 1/4 birthday swap & received very lovely red fat 1/4's which was my request this year. I'm hoping to make a red & white quilt sometime in the future.
Thankyou Julie, Anthea, Asta, Ilene, Cheryll & Sue for my lovely fat 1/4's & goodies. I'll be eating those jelly beans later on. :)

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A few more finishes

Yesterday morning i got to work on the Christmas stocking for my GD. I'd already cut it out on Sunday & just needed to cut the lining & wadding. That done I was ready to sew it together.
Both sides look the same.

Next up was cutting out the oval shape of my ornament stitcheries, then the wadding & backing for those. That done it was time to complete the binding of my Teddy Bear quilt
The beautiful quilting was done by Fiona. The quilting sets the embroidery blocks off perfectly.

That done it was time to make those ornaments up
1 is for a friend & the others for me. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, November 26, 2018

Advent calendar & snowmen

With time running out i made myself get to the sewing machine & make my GD an Advent calendar. She's only little yet i know but i wanted her to have one since her brothers do too.

Next was to make some little snowmen
The reason for these is i was talking to my daughter about an idea i seen on Julie's blog about using snowmen in the pockets rather than lollies or toys to mark the days off until Christmas. She said she'd much rather the snowmen & i agreed.

Here is how one looks in the calendar
The grandies should have fun with this counting down to Christmas.

Today i need to finish adding the binding onto a quilt from yesterday(i didn't quite get it sewn down before bedtime),sew Miss C's Christmas stocking together & put together 4 ornaments. :).

Happy Stitching.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

FNSI November.

I joined in with our wonderful hostess Wendy & 20 other ladies for this months FNSI. I'm so glad Wendy is hosting 2 this month as yesterday was a bit of a bust for sewing. It was orthodontist time & by the time i got back from the appointment & shopping i didn't feel like sewing. :(. Good news is just one more orthodontist visit to make sure the teeth are all lined up properly& the braces will be off in the New Year.

When i did sew last night it was on 1797 Revisited.

Before photo
I started on the right hand side of the photo & this is how far i got before bed called
Just 6 more pieces & this row is done.

The top is on my queen bed so you can see it won't be very big as this is the last round row before the corner/sides were added in the original. The sides come out another 4 rows. Now to decide add more rounds & make another big quilt or just have a large lap quilt.

Pop over to Wonderful Wendy's blog to see who joined in &what projects they worked on.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

1797 Revisited

I have one more row to add after the pink row is finished & then i need to decide whether to add more rows to make the top larger or follow the original & just start adding the corners/sides. It isn't a very big top & would probably fit on a dining table when finished but i think it will make a nice lap quilt.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 3, 2018

FNwF November

Last night i joined lovely hostess Cheryll & 16 other lovely ladies for Friday Night with Friends. Pop over to Cheryll's blog to see who joined in & what projects they worked on.

I started with making up more shapes for the next row of 1797 Revisited.
27 there.

Next i finished my Halloween cat.
It just needed the moon, 1/2 a star, the leaf & tendril(on the right) & some lines on the pumpkin stitched & it was done.

Lastly i started stitching the next row of shapes onto 1797 Revisited.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

1797 Revisited

My new EPP project is slowly growing. It's taking longer now it's grown. The next row i think i counted needs 54 pieces. A long way to get to the 800 plus pieces in the original.

This is the original quilt & details can be found here.
I've added a blue row to mine but not sure i like it but it's staying as i'm not unpicking it. :)
Happy Sewing,


Saturday, October 20, 2018

FNSI October

Yesterday i joined in FNSI & I started the morning by putting together a needlecase.

I had just chosen the fabric for the 2nd needlecase when little visitors arrived. So no sewing for several hours. I was tired when they left but i really needed to get the needlecase done so i sat & sewed. Then off to the lounge room to attach the binding.

Now to decide which to send in the swap. :).

After that i traced out a Halloween stitchery.

& put a few stitches in before bed.

After sewing the binding down on the needlecase i put together the next row for my new EPP project. There are 30 there.

Embroidery up next. I finished the flowers off in the jug & completely stitched the other from Send My Love bom.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Wendy & find out who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...