Saturday, March 24, 2018

FNSI March

Yesterday was FNSI & i scraped a little sewing in.
I turned the stitchery into a needlecase to send off as a present.

Some new pins arrived yesterday to add to my collection.
I bought this one just because it is purple. :) :).

I wanted the teariffic badge in this set but it wasn't being sold separately but figured i'd love the 3 mystery pins anyway & i do. Yes i know there is 5 but i also knew the Stay Weird badge was being included so it was the other 3 that were the mystery pins.
So stay weird everyone.:) :)

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Wendy to see what projects were worked on by those that joined in FNSI.

Happy Stitching,


marina said...

Very pretty needle book, love the thread and blue fabric.
Very cute pins carrying words of wisdom Lol

Susan said...

I think you have an addiction Jeanette - do you display those pins in some way? - would love to see how...lovely needlecase.

retdairyqueen said...

Very nice needlecase A lovely personalised gift

Anonymous said...

Good morning Jeanette ,oh i love the present you made,someone is going to be very happy when they receive this. Great lot of pins ,stay weird my friend,lol xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Fantastic needle case ❤️

Maria said...

Some pretty pins you've added to your collection. I have a few sets I have in a frame..
Lovely Needle case you've stitched for a gift.

Karen's Korner said...

Cute pins. You must share the rest of your pin collection with us.

Michelle Ridgway said...

The needlecase looks very pretty in blue xx

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Love your needlebook and your new pins! Purple rocks!

Karen S said...

That is a sweet little needle case and a gorgeous gift.
Great to add new pins to your collection. said...

Love the needlebook and the set of pins. Weird fits me perfectly lol

Allie-oops Designs said...

Such a sweet little needlebook and lovely pins!

Lin said...

What a pretty little needlecase. Love your pins. xx

Susie H said...

Hilarious -- "Stay Weird"! Aren't we all a little weird in our own ways?!?

The needle book is very pretty and I'm sure the recipient will love it.

Raewyn said...

The needle case looks great - a good idea to use the stitchery like that :-) Fun pins! The mini quilt you're planning on making(next post) will be an eye-catching way to display them!

FNwF March

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