Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Several years back i discovered the local fruit shop & Woolies sold quinces. I bought some to give quince jelly a try as i'd heard how nice it was. I was lucky for about 2 seasons. But after that i couldn't find them in the shops. This year some lovely ladies with either their own trees or access to trees were making quince paste & i was wishing to get quinces to have a go. Checked Woolies & nothing so thought i'd look in the local fruit shop without hope of getting any. I couldn't believe my eyes when i discovered they had them in stock. Yay for me. So over the weekend i set to making quince paste. Not sure it's come out the right colour but it sure does taste yummy. :)
I didn't have any containers to put them in so i followed the recipe of lining ramekins with cling wrap. Now to get some nice cheese & crackers to eat the paste with,

Happy Stitching or Cooking as the case maybe. :)


Fiona said...

your quince paste looks lovely - great idea with getting that shape - will look lovely (and taste great) with cheese and crackers. A few (!!!) years ago at boarding school we used to get stewed quinces as a dessert... gosh I hated it.... but quince jelly and paste I love. It always amazes me turning that pretty pink

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Your quince paste looks delicious and yes, this is the colour. My aunt used to have a tree and mum would make quince paste often. It’d set in small soup bowls and she’d cover it with a circle of greaseproof paper. We used to eat it on bread or toast - our Portuguese version of jam ��

Julie said...

I have never tried quince paste Jeanette but it looks stunning! Would sure be delicious with cheese & crackers. Well done!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I just love the color quinces make in jelly and paste... I am not keen on it myself, but my father in law loves it, so when I am in Australia I always try to make it for him! Enjoy! xx

Karen S said...

That is something I have not tried. And I am not sure I have seen quinces in our shops either.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette oh boy your quince paste looks yummy,I love it with crackers and cheese,well done my friend xx

Lin said...

Looks delicious and it goes so well with cheese. We have quince in the garden so jelly and paste get made here too. One chopped quince in with apple in a pie is nice too - you get the best of the pretty colour and flavour.

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...