Friday, March 15, 2019


The last 2 weeks since i posted have zipped by & I keep forgetting to post about what i've been working on.

I've done the 2 blocks for March of Gail Pan's Christmas BOM.

I had to wait a few days to get the thread for the bonus project & now they are waiting to be turned into the runner.
The thread is a Cottage Garden one called Earl Grey,

A few of weeks ago i pulled out a kit i bought many years ago & cut it all out. It's now finished.
2nd photo shows the colour better.
Made just in time for Autumn. :) That's one kit marked off my kit list only about 20 odd more to go. lol.

I've put a few more stitches in this project i showed in last post.

& last night started on this block from Hannah & Harrington.

Happy Stitching,


Pink Rose said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful work my friend,love the candle mat very pretty xx

Cheryll said...

WoW... you've been BuSY...
Great projects to be working on too... xox

Fiona said...

Good progress there, the leaf candle mat is pretty... funny that some things are put away for so long...

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely work Jeanette. Good to get a UFO off the list x

Julie said...

Wonderful Jeanette! Love the new project ... is it wool felt?? Love your candle mat ... I really like those simple projects that look so effective. Your stitcheries look great too. Its easy for the time to roll by quickly in between blog posts.

Karen S said...

You have been zipping along. Lovely stitching and great to see the Autumn get made up and looking lovely.

Lin said...

Lots of lovely work Jeanette. I do love Gail Pan designs especially the Christmas ones. The table topper design is simple but very effective give effective, a great finish. xx


 Not a lot of sewing happening at my house:(. So i'm posting some of the plant that have bloomed in my garden. :)  I had hope to have he...