Saturday, July 18, 2020

FNwF July

Last night Wendy hosted us for FNwF & I was able to join in.

Earlier in the afternoon I traced the 3rd block for Love and Hugs from Australia Christmas designs.  Night time i added the "flower" to the centre on block number 2.

Then started stitching block number 3.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to see who joined in & the projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 4, 2020

FNwF July

Last night I joined in FNwF hosted by our lovely Cheryll

My project of choice was the first little Christmas stitchery that the lovely ladies of Love and Hugs from Australia on Facebook have given us to stitch. They are offering this one free too.
They are only small so quick to stitch up. 4" finished. I chose to stitch mine using Mistletoe by Cottage Garden Threads.

Pop over to visit Cheryll here to see who joined in & what projects  were worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...